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Essence of Kundalini Yoga


Essence of Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini refers to the dormant energy in the human body, which is the root of the spinal column and the representation of each body of the great cosmic forces. Kundalini power is often described figuratively as a snake wrapped around the bottom of a spine. The combined form of kundalini represents the invisible spiritual power and consciousness of men


The awakening of the kundalini energy requires practice and preparation for a long time under the watchful eye of the teacher with various stages of discipline including asanas (standing), mudras (body touch), bandhas (muscle millions), pranayama (breath control), meditations and mantras. . These studies enable the physician to clean and balance these two subtle power stations, called ida and pingala, which line the spine on each side. This causes a gradual infiltration of the kundalini energy at the base of the spine and begins to ascend through the middle lane to the spinal column, known as sushumna nadi. As it rises, it passes through various powerful brain centers known as chakras. Since the chakras are connected to various areas of the brain, when the kundalini passes through them, all the latent energy and power from God, born in humanity, are awakened.

The main purpose of Kundalini Yoga is to awaken this Kundalini energy that takes a doctor gradually to higher levels of understanding. The awakened power of Kundalini encompasses the individual's consciousness with the essential help of the universe and thus bestowed upon him many supernatural, magical powers. And it brings to the doctor the realization that we are all spiritual men with experience. The key word here is to recognize, that is, when doctors understand this as true in the context of their personality.

Kundalini Yoga for  mental and physical preparation.

Kundalini Yoga is the highest form of yoga and all other forms of yoga are merely mental and physical preparations. The focused and active practice of other forms of yoga will eventually lead doctors to this approach, voluntarily, by increasing their cognitive levels.


In the yogi tradition there are three types of spaces: Mahakasha, Chittakasha and Chidakasha, all of which come from the word akasha which means the sky in Sanskrit. Mahakasha means space outside you. Then comes Chittakasha or Mental Space, which is the abode of all thoughts, dreams and thoughts. All experiences at this level are insane compared to real spiritual experiences.

 Kundalini  is simply the most effective

Kundalini Yoga is simply the most effective way to balance the body, mind and spirit with the endless universe of the Universe. When the energy in Kundalini is awakened and reaches the highest chakra called sahasrara the doctor benefits spiritual enlightenment and experiences a state of joyfulness, which radiates in every aspect of their living.


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