Ectopic Pregnancy
The word ‘entopic pregnancy’ can be termed as false
pregnancy. The egg develops outside the area of uterus. The egg settles in the
fallopian tube and hence ectopic pregnancy is commonly referred as tubal
pregnancy. In most of the cases of ectopic pregnancy, the egg settles into the
fallopian tubes. In rare cases, the egg settles in the areas like abdomen,
cervix or in the ovary.
Causes of pregnancy
If the egg develops in the following areas, pregnancy can
never be successful. Because, there is no enough space for pregnancy and there
is no tissue that helps to develop pregnancy. But the result of ectopic
pregnancy can be extremely harmful and it endangers the life of the mother. the
fetus grows and the organ that contains the egg eventually bursts out. It leads
to severe bleeding and finally this may cause death. Ectopic pregnancy
can never lead to a childbirth.
Usually the doctors cannot diagnose the ectopic pregnancy at
an early stage. Usually the woman just feels normal at the beginning. The early
symptoms of pregnancy are vomiting, nausea, breast tenderness and frequent
The woman may suddenly feel pain in the areas like pelvis,
abdomen or sometimes in the neck and shoulders also. The pain in case of
ectopic pregnancy is very severe and often most of the woman describe the pain
as ‘stabbing pain’.
Some of the additional symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are
vaginal bleeding, dizziness, fainting and low blood pressure.
When the fertilized egg is not able to move from the
fallopian tube to the uterus, then it results in ectopic pregnancy. The egg
gets stuck up in the fallopian tube only. Some of the causes of ectopic
pregnancy is Pelvic Inflammatory disease. Usually when there is an inflammation
in the pelvis, the egg tends to stay in the area of the tube. If the woman has
undergone pelvic or abdominal surgery in the past, the scar tissues still
remain and they cause ectopic pregnancy.
There are many ways to diagnose ectopic pregnancy.
Sometimes, the woman is not aware that she is pregnant. She may
suddenly feel a acute pain in the abdomen and may get hospitalized. Then the
hospital staff conducts the urinary test and the woman shall be diagnosed
as pregnant.
If the woman already knows that she is pregnant, then if the
urine test comes back positive, she has to undergo a HCG test. This test
determines the hormone HCG level produced by the placenta. These levels already
appear in the blood and urine and if the woman is pregnant, the levels of HCG
double after every two days. But if the woman has developed ectopic pregnancy,
then the levels of HCG are less than expected.
If you meet the doctor for facing pelvic pain, then the
doctor may conduct a pelvic examination to know the causes of pain. Then he may
discover that there is a mass growing outside the area of uterus and you may be
diagnosed with ‘ectopic pregnancy’.
Culdocentisis is a test conducted by inserting the needle at
the top of the vagina into the abdomen and back of rectum. Then the doctors get
an idea that the organ is ruptured.
There are different types of treatments available for ectopic
pregnancy depending upon the location and size of the uterus. It also depends
upon the wish of the woman, if she is ready to conceive again or not.
The early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy can be cured. The
doctor can just insert an injection of methotrexate. The fertilized
egg is fertilized is dissolved. This procedure is very simple and does not
endanger your pelvis anytime.
If a woman has faced the problem of ectopic pregnancy then
she shall have the difficulty of becoming pregnant again. Almost 30 percent of
the woman do not have the chance of conceiving again. If the fallopian tube is
removed, then new tube can be inserted. But still, a woman cannot be ensured
that she shall have a successful pregnancy.
The woman who are most likely to face ectopic pregnancy are:
a. a woman facing PID,
b. a woman who has undergone fallopian
c. Who has frequently undergone
treatment for birth control.
d. Treatment for stimulation of
If the result of ectopic pregnancy is become severe, i.e. if
the woman is already facing the problem of internal bleeding, then she has to
undergo surgical procedure.
There were many death causing due to ectopic pregnancies
before the 19th century. Almost 50 % of the deaths were caused
by ectopic pregnancy only. But gradually, the rate of death dropped down by the
end of 19th century. As new surgical procedures were invented
and new tools were introduced, the rate of death drastically were declined.
Today, the rate of death for ectopic pregnancy are very less i.e. five in
10,000. the deaths caused by ectopic pregnancies are declining but the
incidence of ectopic pregnancies are not improving.
These are some of the factors that increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy:
a. a previous fallopian tube surgery.
b. Failure of tubal litigation: a woman
may become pregnant after undergoing a sterilization surgery. In such cases the
causes for ectopic pregnancy is higher.
c. If the woman has undergone an
abortion earlier and the area is still surrounded by infection.
d. Treatments like ART and IVF may cause
ectopic pregnancy because the egg may settle into the fallopian tube from the
In North America today, ectopic pregnancy occurs at 19.7% per
1000 cases. Today, due to the change in lifestyle of woman, the chances of
pregnancy has increased. Many woman, especially in the west are become addicted
to smoking. Some of them indulge in intercourse with more than one partner.
Sometimes, the problem of ectopic pregnancy is resolved even without the
intervention of medical therapy. When the size of the egg is very small for
about 3.5 cm, the problem of ectopic pregnancy can be resolved automatically.
Today, the procedure of lapratomy is greatly practiced
today more than laparoscopy. When the surgeons do not have specialized training
in laparoscopy, they perform lapratomy. When the doctor cannot afford to buy
costly equipments the procedure of lapratomy is more easier for him.