Pregnancy Stage
The nine months of pregnancy, from conception to birth are an
exciting time of change. As the embryo grows and develops into a baby, many
changes are also taking place in the mother's body. So in order to easily
understand these changes the whole pregnancy is divided in to three trimesters
which comprises of three months each.
First trimester:
This stage comprises the period from conception to 12
weeks of pregnancy (or) 14 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period.
Some women find it very difficult to pass through this period as everything is
so different, so exciting, so overwhelming all at once. There will be amazing
development of the baby in this stage.
Conception to embryo development:
A healthy first trimester is crucial to the normal development of the foetus.
The mother-to-be may not be showing much changes on the outside, but inside her
body all the major body organs and systems of the foetus are in the formative
The male sperm and female ovum fuses around the day of
ovulation and a zygote is formed. It undergoes rapid division leading to the
formation of an embryo. The embryo gets implanted in the uterine wall (5-7 days
after fertilization).After that, several developments take place.
A sac filled with amniotic fluid, called the amniotic sac,
surrounds the foetus throughout the pregnancy. The placenta grows only during
pregnancy. It attaches to the uterine wall with tiny projections called villi.
Foetal blood vessels grow from the umbilical cord into these villi, exchanging
nourishment and waste products with the mother's blood.
§ The
embryo develops a spinal cord. Three germ layers are seen which divides rapidly
to form the different organs.
§ Limb
buds appear which later develops into arms and legs.
§ By
second month, growth of the foetus is enormous. At the end of this month, major
body organs, and systems are formed.
Changes In The Mother:
During pregnancy mother undergoes lot of changes in her body
both physically and mentally. But these changes do not exist together in all
the mothers. some people will have minimal symptoms some will have exaggerated
Some of the common changes that all the women experiences are:
- Breast
feeling tender, sore and enlarged. The areola surrounding the nipple gets
darkened .the veins on the surface of the breasts become prominent.
- Enlarging
uterus pushing against the bladder and the hormonal influence make the
pregnant women to urinate often.
- Constipation,
indigestion also can be seen.
- Morning
sickness with vomiting sensation on the sight of food due to raise in the
hormonal levels especially in the morning but may found through out the
day.. But pregnant women despite this feeling should try taking essential
- Increased
craving for some strange food like pickles, raw mango etc..
- Fatigue,dizziness,headache---due
to raised progesterone (hormonal effects) compounded by increased blood
volume which leads to fall in blood pressure and fall in blood sugar hence
leading to deficient blood supply to brain. This is also due to increased
metabolic needs of pregnancy.
- Mood
swings, dysphoric effects, depressed mindset due to the effect of
progesterone on the mood regulatory part of brain.
There are increased chances of miscarriages in this
stage as the foetus is susceptible any abnormal changes or substances.
II Trimester :
This stage starts from the 13th week and
extends to 27th week.
All the symptoms that appear in the first trimester fade away
in this stage. pregnant mom feels so energetic and comfortable in this stage.
Her pregnancy is shown out during this stage.
The foetus has developed all its organs and shows growth in
size and weight.
Foetal development:
All the embryogical divisions are over and organs have been
formed. From this stage onwards
there is purely growth and maturation of the baby. By the end
of this trimester the foetus would have gained the required weight. Some of the
changes that take place are:
- The
foetus makes obvious movements.
- It
responds to stimuli.
- Gradual
movement of the eyes and the ears toward their normal positions.
- Skin
if the foetus is wrinkled, covered by hair and creamy white material.
- Development
of eyelashes, eyebrows.
- Development
of the respiratory and digestive systems.
- Limbs
start growing and there appear fingers.
Changes in the mother:
The main discomforts of the first trimester decrease and she
feels energetic and happy. But some other bodily changes start gradually. They
§ Skin
changes, hair fall, nose bleeds, & heart burn.
§ There
will be gradual increase in weight.
§ Their
abdomen is shown out gradually.
§ Frequent
§ Back
aches becoming severe.
§ Depression
and mood swings.
§ Indigestion,
frequent urination, heart burn are common.
Since there is tremendous growth in baby the nutritional
demands are increased and hence pregnant women are advised to take all kind of
nutritious food rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals. There will be periods
of depressions and the pregnant women should be able to divert herself
effectively .Regular practice of exercises is recommended and should be done as
per the advice of the doctor. Weight gain should be monitored regularly and
should be maintained within the specific standard ranges.
III Trimester:
This trimester starts from the 28th week
to the day of delivery. Delivery will be around 38th week to 42nd week
of pregnancy. During this period baby grows larger and is getting matured.
Movement is increased in the earlier part of this trimester,
which gradually ends in the final two months. At the end of the trimester, the
baby is settled in a head down position.
Foetal development:
- Well
developed senses.
- Kidneys
lungs and brain continue to develop.
- By
the 36th week, head may drop in to the pelvic area called
as “lightening”.
- Bones
of the skull remains softer so that it will be flexible while passing
through the birth canal.
- Baby
is covered in a layer of creamy material called as vernix.
- Eyes
(iris) of the baby will be slate blue and the permanent colour appears
after some few days.
Changes in the mother:
- As
the baby matures and the III Trimester progresses, there will be increase
in discomfort for the mother. Sleeping positions will be affected..
- Pressure
of the growing foetus on the bladder causes frequent urinating sensation.
- Pressure
on the stomach and the digestive system leads to improper digestion.
- Swelling
of the legs, face as the mother retains the fluid
- More
frequent leg cramps.
- False
contractions start at regular intervals in preparation for child birth.
- Stretch
marks appear in the thighs, abdomen, and buttocks.
- Colostrum
(first formed milk) very rich in nutrients is formed in the breast.
- Persistent
After 36 weeks visit to the doctor should occur every
alternate week or as required.