Sex During Pregnancy
Sex before pregnancy
Most of you have
surely heard a lot about sex before pregnancy. It is a natural tendency between
a male and a female to be attracted towards each other. Usually in the Eastern
countries sex takes place after marriage.
Sex during pregnancy
and culture
But most of you have
not heard about sex during pregnancy. Most of the countries do not encourage
would-be-mother to continue with sexuality. Even the medical experts suggest
sex during pregnancy is not safe for would-be-mothers. This process is not safe
for the male as well as female.
During pregnancy many
chemical changes take place in the woman’s body. she will face many different
experiences during pregnancy. During pregnancy rather than having sex, free and
open communication between life partners is desirable. It brings healthy
relationship between each other.
Recent studies made
by the experts tell us that if a woman shall undergo normal pregnancy, she
shall not face any problems if she has sex during pregnancy.
But how can a woman
know whether she will face a normal pregnancy or caserne one? She must
encounter the office of the medical expert and find out. Usually, the chances
of miscarriage or pre-term labor for the problem who shall face normal
pregnancy will be lower.
Most of the woman do
not have the strong desire to have sex during pregnancy. They feel as if their
moods are fluctuating during this period. they grow fatter and therefore do not
feel comfortable having sex.
Having sex during
pregnancy is not safe both for the male and female. But they must closely
interact with each other, open their feelings with each other and know each
other very well. They must carry on activities such as kissing, caressing
and hugging each other.
Most of the mothers
do not have the strong sexual desire during pregnancy because they are much
exited to become a mom.
There are some types
of sexual habits that must not be practiced during pregnancy.
If you are having an
oral sex, then your hubby should not blow the air into your vagina. If he does
so, it may cause air embolism and therefore the blood vessels may be blocked.
This process may prove fatal for your child and you also.
You must not have sex
with people whose sexual history is not know to you. If they are suffering from
diseases like herpes, genital warts, etc those diseases may be transmitted
within you. You will have to face the harmful consequences in your life later.
Harmful phases during
If you are facing any
problems or complications during pregnancy, your doctor, midwife or health care
provider will strictly advice you not to have sex during pregnancy because you
may face some negative consequences.
you if had faced a history of
miscarriage earlier.
If you have previously experienced
pre-term labor. If you have delivered a baby before 37 weeks.
If you have had a history of vaginal
bleeding, discharge or cramps in those areas.
Amiotic fluid is a fluid that is
surrounded to the baby that is present in the womb. If this fluid has been
leaked off, then you are mostly probably advised not to have sex.
If the placenta is placed at a lower
position that it covers the cervix.
If the passage of the cervix is very
narrow or very dilated.
But sex during
pregnancy does not harm the baby. The baby is protected by a thin-walled bag
called amniotic sac and the sac is surrounded by fluid. A wall known as mucus
plug covers the cervix and protects the baby from infection.
Some woman have the
fear that sex during pregnancy may lead to miscarriage or early contractions.
But if the woman falls under the category of low-risk pregnancy, she shall not
have any problems. But the woman should get herself checked to the doctor to find
out whether she really falls into that category. But usually, doctors recommend
that the woman should stop having sex when she reaches the last week of
pregnancy and when she will be shortly facing the process of labor.
She must be very
careful during the last week because she may suddenly start facing
Some woman do not
feel the urge at the beginning because they face problems such as breast
tenderness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc. during the trimester she may
develop strong urge of desire suddenly.
The desires of woman
for sex whether it increases or decreases depends upon the temperaments of the
mother. some woman have a lot of anxiety about future motherhood. They become
burdened due to their worries. Such mothers have a very low level desire. Some
mothers still continue with the same strong urge.
Your partner may not
be comfortable with you during your pregnancy because they are thinking that
your identity is changing. The relationship during this period may also get
disrupted and hence you must always try to bring close relationship between
your partners.
You must immediately
call the doctor when you experience:
pain, dizziness, discharge or any
other unusual symptoms after intercourse.
There are many
factors that determines sex during pregnancy:
your idea about sex.
Partners idea about sex.
Health factors and the changes during
Emotional nature of both the partners.
Instead of having sex
with each other, there are many other factors that you can carry on during
pregnancy such as having romantic dinners, mutual masturbation, relaxing baths,
cuddling etc. these all activities keep you and your life partner hormonally balanced
and calm.
Some woman really
experience loneliness and suffocation if they do not have sex during pregnancy.
Some woman are strictly advised by the physicians not to have sex during
pregnancy for certain weeks. Even if they complete the duration, they do not
feel normal and urged to have sex again.
If you fall under the
category of high-risk pregnancy, then strictly you should not have sex during