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Alternatives therapy for Drug and Alcohol Rehab

 Rehabilitation center for alcohol

Going to a rehabilitation center can be a tough choice for an addicted individual and the family members. This is because rehab centers are viewed as institutions meant for patients with mental or psychological disorders. Recent evidence shows that recovery from any form of addiction can be accelerated when addicted individuals are in control of their lives.

Alternatives therapy  Alcohol

 Rehabilitation Centre's only address the dependency problem and the withdrawal symptoms. However, several alternative strategies address all the addiction problems as well as the issues that cause the addiction. These alternatives to drug rehabilitation center's include:


Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, commonly known as NAD, is a coenzyme extract of vitamin B3 and it is found in all living cells. NAD is a very crucial agent in metabolism and many other cellular functions. Being an essential product for energy production, NAD is very valuable to addicts, especially when used in mega doses for rapid detoxification.

 The mega-dose treatment, which is in IV form, is believed to reduce cravings and all withdrawal symptoms without using other replacement therapies. If used properly, NAD can improve mental clarity, focus, energy, concentration and increase cognitive functions.


Meditation is the process or art of practicing mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness helps addicts to become aware of their feelings and thoughts. When meditating, it’s good to avoid reacting to negative thoughts to prevent a relapse. Positive thoughts will help to regulate mood and also lower stress levels.

 Meditation teaches the mind not to react to emotions and negative thoughts in a harmful way. Instead, it teaches the body to achieve maximum relaxation without using any substance apart from the mind. Meditation also reduces cravings and withdrawal symptoms because the mind will abstain from such thoughts and instead focus on more productive thoughts.


This is a new type of treatment that aims to repair any biochemical imbalances in the body. Biochemical imbalances in the body are responsible for causing cravings, anxiety, depression and mood swings. These imbalances make a person more prone to drugs and other substance abuse. Once a biochemical restoration has been achieved, an addict can be able to control the cravings and mood swings.

Biochemical restoration can be established through a personal nutrition plan, using supplements that include amino acids, relaxation and engaging in physical activities. However, nutritional intervention should be based on natural foods rather than supplements. If not sure, it’s advisable to visit a nutritionist.

(d) YOGA

The main philosophy of yoga is to bring the body, mind, and spirit together in an aligned state. It is a form of therapy that combines physical activities, breath work, and meditation. Yoga can promote a state of inner peace, which is essential to addicts. Yoga can also relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. The physical aspect of yoga teaches the body to release emotions and produce more energy needed by the body. The breath work aspect improves the circulatory and the nervous systems.


Daily exercises, even for a few hours, can boost moods of an addict. Most addicts are recommended to engage in exercises every time they feel in need of their substance. Exercises often help to fill the void of drugs and other substances, leading to a sense of purpose and a better substitute for drugs. Exercises also improve the functions of endocrine, pulmonary and cardiovascular systems of improving the overall health of an addict.
Generally, any form of exercise, whether aerobics or otherwise, has well-known health benefits that can greatly help an addict to lead a healthy and drug-free life. An addict should engage in physical exercises at least two hours in a day to avoid any relapse.

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