Perspective on Your Addiction and recovery
Unless serious problems occur, addicts are often unable to
get the full perspective of how their addictions have affected both their
personal lives and their loved ones. Addiction masks the true impact of drug
abuse, which means that addicts become so fixated upon feeding their cravings
that they will engage in any activity to keep their addiction thriving.
Unfortunately, this fact often means that those who most love the addict feel
the blunt force of addiction’s impact, as drug users will steal, lie and
manipulate anyone in order to get and use more drugs.
Despite how hard loved ones try to get the addict to see how
his addiction affects every decision he makes, it is solely up to the addict to
open his eyes to the impact of his drug abuse. It can be detrimental to the
relationship you have with the addict to try and force him to see how his
addiction has caused problems; as a result of a poorly managed conversation,
your loved one may feel alone, abandoned and judged, which will all discourage
recovery. In response, the addict may look further into his addiction as a
coping mechanism, which will only cause him to use drugs more and more.
How to See the Impact of Your Addiction
It is often only until the addict reaches “rock bottom” that
she truly come to terms with her addiction
It is often only until the addict reaches “rock bottom” that
she truly come to terms with her addiction. This realization can send some
addicts looking for more help, while other addicts may dive even deeper into
their addictions to numb the pain they feel. In short, coming to terms with the
wrath of drug abuse can be a surreal and scary moment, which means that loved
ones may be needed to help recovery begin. Loved ones can help addicts uncover
the problems their addictions have caused if they utilize any of the following
- Seek
treatment and counselling
- Hold
an intervention
- Reflect
on the relationship both before and after the addiction formed
Sometimes addicts look for additional support to detox and get sober. While different treatment facilities offer different programs, all treatment facilities have the same goal for each addict, which is long-term sobriety that can endure after treatment ends. While in treatment, addicts undergo several evaluations to uncover triggers, which may have initiated the addiction. After they know what problems lead them to abuse drugs, they will engage various forms of treatment so they can react better to these problems in the future.
Because each addict has a unique past and different reasons behind
their drug habits, they will respond to different treatment approaches better
than other methods. For instance, while they are in treatment, addicts will
undergo counselling sessions where they
discuss specific issues they are having in recovery. During these sessions, addicts
often come to terms with how their addictions damaged their lives and their
loved ones. They can then learn proper ways to deal with these emotions, and
they may even have the opportunity to involve loved ones in counselling sessions.
Furthermore, because addiction often impacts those whom the addict loves most, many of them look at the different forms of interventions to find the best format for their unique situation. Interventions can help those who struggle with alcoholism, prescription drug abuse, street drug abuse, compulsive eating and gambling issues, but different forms may work better for different personality types.
struggling with addiction
Those who struggle with addiction are often in
denial about their current situations, which means they are often unwilling to
seek treatment for it. They fail to recognize the damage their addictive
behavior has on themselves and others, but an intervention presents a
structured, planned and professionally instructed opportunity to change their
lives before their situations get even worse. Such opportunities can motivate
addicts to seek or accept help for their addictions.
Denial can devastate any relationship, especially when addiction is prevalent. Not only does drug abuse damage relationships, but it also devastates an addict’s finances, career and social life. However, with a clear mind, an addict or recovering addict can reflect upon what her life was like prior to her addiction and what it was like afterwards.
Although one’s
life may have had numerous instances of pain and stress before addiction began,
it was probably better than how her life was either during or immediately following
her addiction formed. This realization can help her understand the true nature
of her addiction as well as how far she has gone downhill since her drug habits