Weeks of pregnancy
The pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks ,
because the gynecologists calculate the length of gestation, starting from the
date of last menstrual period (since you can never be sure when it happened
precisely conception). Here is the calendar of 40 weeks of pregnancy with
advice on health, nutrition and examinations to be done during the nine months.
You will also be able to discover the changes in the mother’s body, how the
baby bump grows and how the fetus develops positive opk pregnant.
The fetus in the nine months of pregnancy
Pregnancy weeks as you count
As we said, pregnancy does not really
last nine months, but about 40 weeks that start counting from the last
menstrual cycle, because you cannot be sure of the precise date of conception .
So we can say that the pregnancy actually lasts 38 weeks (nine months of
gestation) plus the two weeks that are calculated from the last menstruation.
And in fact gynaecologists do not examine the pregnancy and the development of
the fetus by speaking in terms of months, but weeks. And if you don’t remember
what week you are, use our calculator to find out where you are from your
pregnancy and when your baby will be born : just enter the date of the last
menstruation and the average length of your cycle to get the information you
need. they serve.
Pregnancy week by week
Pregnancy calendar |
Starting from the first week of pregnancy,
which could actually be the period in which you conceived or just finished your
menstrual cycle, you can follow the growth of the fetus and how the body of the
future mother changes up until the 40th week, when it is expected date of
birth. In sequence all the useful information on the forty weeks of pregnancy,
in the articles a lot of information on the development of the child, on what
is happening to your body and useful advice on the exams to do.
Despite the fact that gynecologists
use pregnancy for weeks and not months, the fact remains that by tradition the
pregnancy lasts nine months, of waiting, emotions, fears and adrenaline that
rises more and more until the fateful moment of the approaching date of the
childbirth. And every month it has its precise characteristics, in the first
three months there is the discovery of the positive pregnancy test, the first
beta Hg that always put us a little scared, the first ultrasound in which we
hear our baby’s heartbeat for the first time and the first tests to do, three
months in which there is always the fear that the pregnancy suddenly stops due
to a miscarriage and in which the nausea can be really annoying. The second
quarter and it is a beautiful time, one has not gained too much weight, one
begins to communicate the news to friends and family, one feels good because
the nausea has passed and one begins to think about the name of the child. It
is also the period in which important examinations are carried out, such as
morphological ultrasound or amniocentesis and thanks to which we will discover
the baby’s sex. The last quarter is perhaps the most tiring, the belly is
large, the baby begins to weigh, we feel more tired and fatigued and it
increases more and more the desire to hold our baby in our arms.
Weight in the weeks of pregnancy
It is very important to maintain
proper weight during and 40 weeks of pregnancy. Putting on too many pounds not
only tires the future mother more, but can increase the risk of Precambrian,
excessive birth weight, caesarean section and diabetes. On average it is
advised not to put on more than 12-14 pounds during the nine months, and in the
first weeks of gestation there is no reason to put on weight. Even if you have
an uncontrollable desire to eat and nibble something, try to put a stop to it
and treat your diet by favouring healthy and balanced foods that are not too
rich in sugar and fat. Recall that in the first quarter the weight gain should
be negligible, while starting from the twelfth week of gestation we will begin
to take 400-500 grams per week. With our correct weight calculator you can
understand how the pregnancy proceeds and if we are putting on too many pounds.
Tests to be done during pregnancy
During the 40 weeks of pregnancy it
is necessary to carry out some medical examinations to check your health and
that of the child, to know the sex of the child, the expected date of birth,
etc. During the three trimesters of pregnancy there are compulsory exams and
optional or recommended exams to do. How to know if you are pregnant? How to
recognize the symptoms of pregnancy? Menstruation is late and you can’t think
of anything else. Listen to your body, even if the symptoms may vary from one
woman to another
Symptoms of pregnancy
What are the symptoms of pregnancy
and when do they appear? Menstruation is late and you can’t think of anything
else. Are you or aren’t you pregnant? The best way to dispel any doubt is to
take a pregnancy test, of course. But how to recognize the first symptoms of pregnancy
and how to distinguish them from premenstrual symptoms?
When pregnancy symptoms begin
As stated on the website Pregnancy Symptoms, the symptoms of pregnancy in the first week vary from woman to woman and depending on the pregnancy, the first is the non-arrival of menstruation. We see the other signs that can occur in the first days or during the first month of pregnancy. But be careful, you may be pregnant without having any of these symptoms, which may appear later.
Symptoms of pregnancy before the
Before the incoming cycle and
immediately after conception, we can perceive the signs of a
pregnancy in progress, caused by the hormones that are activated following the
fertilization of the egg . For example the hormone Beta hCG , which determines
the positivist of the pregnancy test, is responsible for some transformations
in the woman’s body. Here are the main symptoms of pregnancy before the cycle :
Breast and abdomen tension
Lower abdominal pains
Blood loss
Excessive tiredness and exhaustion
Nausea and different sensitivity to
smells and tastes
Tendency to urinate more often
Increased basal temperature
Now let’s look at all the symptoms in
detail, starting from the most reliable one, the only really safe one, namely
the lack of menstrual cycle.
The gonorrhoea
Gonorrhea ( absence of menstruation )
is the most important and significant sign of an initial pregnancy, especially
if your cycle has always been regular and you have had fertile relationships .
Embryo plant losses
In about 6-7% of all pregnant women
blood loss and pain can occur similar to the normal menstrual cycle, but which
instead are caused by the embryo nesting in the uterus . However, blood losses
rarely take on a menstrual-like rhythmic nature, that is, they occur for
several months in a row.
Breast tension
Often this symptom is confused with
the classic premenstrual turgor. The breast turgid can also manifest itself
several days in advance from the day of the missed menstruation. And then, as
the first few weeks go by, the breasts can swell up and become increasingly
turgid and tense due to the action of progesterone, sometimes it can give you
some nipple pain and irritability. The veins of the breasts are more evident.
The alveolar can become darker and small surfaces can appear on its surface,
the so-called tubercles of Montgomery, or glands that in lactation will
secrete a lubricating and disinfectant substance
It is a very common symptom and can
make you suspect an initial pregnancy, especially if fatigue arrives
unexpectedly and distorts your daily habits (you can’t see the end of a movie, you
fall asleep after dinner) and above all if you are usually not particularly
Abdominal heaviness
It is a symptom that does not mean
much if it occurs alone. Abdominal tension, heaviness, swelling, will be due to
the very first hormonal changes that develop with the implant.
If you have always been regular, you
will be able to observe some constipation even before the expected date of the
arrival of the cycle.
Odor sensitivity
It is possible that initially a
particularly pleasant smell or that you were used to hearing gives you sudden
discomfort, may give you a feeling of disgust and / or nausea. Maybe you will
not pay any attention to them, but once the pregnancy has been ascertained you
can link that episode to the fact of being pregnant. It often happens with
coffee, nicotine, fish, but also perfumes and deodorants.
Nausea and vomiting are two of the
most common and frequent symptoms of pregnancy, more or less 50% of pregnant
women suffer from it. For some women, nausea is the first sign of pregnancy,
felt even before the missed period. They generally end after the first
trimester of pregnancy.
Frequency to urinate more often
Very common symptom in pregnant women
that can occur as early as a few days before the missed period. This discomfort
is more frequent from the third trimester, when the child weighs more on the
bladder. However, many future mothers complain of more frequent urination in
the first few weeks.
Temperature increase
The persistence of the raising of the
basal temperature (value close to 37 ° C) from the second half of the cycle to
beyond the period of concomitance of the missed menstruation, is a very sure
signal of the conception happened, obviously works only if the temperature is
monitored by the beginning of the cycle, otherwise the actual rise cannot
occur. This is caused by the persistence of the corpus luteum after conception,
with the consequent increased secretion of progesterone, to keep your body
temperature slightly higher.