The Benefits Of Vitamin B12
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Benefits Of Vitamin B12 |
Vitamin B12 is an unusual vitamin because of its size, origin and the complicated process of absorption. These are the factors that may serve as precursors for vitamin deficiency and complications. There are many benefits of vitamin B12 in human physiology so that its deficiency must be avoided. It is a water-soluble vitamin that can be eliminated from the human system by urination yet every time it is absorbed a small amount is stored in the liver, kidney and other human tissues. Vitamin B12 plays many roles in the human body.
List Of Benefits
1. Having erythrocytes or red blood cells which are developing normally is one
of the many benefits of vitamin B12. This is why deficiency is usually
accompanied by anemia or reduced number of red blood cells which transport
oxygen to the different parts of the body essential in cellular metabolism.
2. To generate energy, there is a need for oxygen so that
carbohydrates, fats and glucose can be transformed and processed by metabolism
to release energy. Thus, vitamin B12 has been associated with boosting of
energy or fatigue and lethargy in the body when there is deficiency.
3. Neuronal or nerve cell development is another one of the important functions or benefits of vitamin B12. It is common to find people with deficiency who manifests signs and symptoms similar to Alzheimer’s disease or senile dementia. Many other brain dysfunction like brain shrinking or atrophy, stress and depression can be prevented with vitamin B12 deficiency.
4. The benefits of vitamin B12 also include the prevention of many dreadful afflictions. Among the benefit is the better control on the levels of cholesterol that is so intricately connected to many other diseases like diabetic neuropathy,tinnitus, hypertension, heart diseases and multiple sclerosis.
5. Vitamin B12 can also improve the appearances of nails,
hair and skin. It helps in cell regeneration hence constantly renews these
Another benefit that is being linked to it is weight loss. While there are already certain weight loss centers advocating its use, no scientific basis has been found yet so it is not one of the benefits of vitamin B12. In the meantime, what is important is to prevent deficiency by ensuring that vitamin B12 is loaded daily. It is a such a rare gift because it not only cheap, it is also poses very little risks.