Detox and detox diet are words which we see more and more frequently aren’t they, with lots of different articles and advertisements about how important it is to detox ourselves. What does it actually mean? Well, the problem is with much of the food that we eat and the drinks that we drink, they’re full of toxins and other similar contaminants. This can have a real affect on your health (as well as your weight), so from time to time increasing numbers of people are “detoxing” – changing their eating habits by limiting certain foods for a period of time to allow their bodies to get rid of these toxins and leave them feeling healthier, happier and smarter (well, I didn’t say they’d be smarter, just feel pretty pleased with themselves for doing something clever)
Detox Diet
So how do you go
about it, this detoxing, and more to the point, how much is it all going to
cost? (It’s a strange thing that very often diets which are supposed to involve
eating less and thereby losing weight, actually cost you more – surely if you
cut down on your food intake your weekly grocery bill ought to be reduced too).
Anyway, fear not, although you can spend as much as you like on detox diet
books, programs, courses and recipes if it makes you feel better, it is
possible to do a bit of “DIY” detox with just a little effort.
Fruit and
vegetables are very much the answer. Organic fruit and vegetables are even
better, but those do very often cost a little extra so if you prefer to use the
regular produce then don’t worry about it. Mmmm, just thinking out loud here,
why not grow your own! That way you’ll have lovely fresh produce (if you
remember to water it) as well as lots of exercise digging and stuff – double
whammy. Right, let’s get back to detox diets – I do get side-tracked so easily
these days . . .
Detox Breakfast
It’s important
to start the day with a good breakfast, and a great “detox breakfast” is
something as simple as a bit of fresh fruit, maybe an apple or a banana. You
also need something more substantial to go with it (or you’ll be starving by
9.30) so how about some cooked buckwhat or whole grain rice (keep away from
“white” grains which have been processed while you’re in detox).
Detox Meals
Vegetables do
make up a large part of detox meals, well, they make up just about all of them
really. Steamed veggies are easier for your digestive system to handle than
raw, so lightly steam a variety of veggies with at least 4 different types for
each meal – broccoli, kale, scallions, bell peppers, use your imagination. You
can add different stuff for flavor too – pepper, olive oil, garlic, vegetable
salt and suchlike.
You should only
detox for around a week maximum, and then you’ll have successfully rid your
body of all toxins and chemicals and be ready to start loading up on them
again! You might suffer from side effects whilst you are in your detox period,
but don’t worry this is quite normal. One way to help to keep the side effects
under control is by drinking lots of water throughout the day.
Remember . . .
excess is bad! Even of good things.