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Social media is a fantastic way that so many many website owners are using to build their following and connect with new readers. It’s not enough these days to just start your own blog and expect people to come. If you already know how to blog but you want to know how you can expand yourreadership, the key is in marketing and one of the best ways to market in today’s digital age isthrough social media. Created a professional social media page for your blog or website and then start reaching out to your target market across social media to build a following. Every time that you create a post in your blog you can update your entire follower list across social media to create more engagement and to get more readers seen every one of your new blog posts. As you develop a greater following it’s possible that you can see more traffic to your blog and a greater level of success.



Getting your readers to subscribe to your blog posts via e-mail newsletters can also be a great way to increase your readership. You can produce high-quality newsletters every month withsome of your best blog posts or you can even send out e-mail alerts every time you update your blog feed. This will send oute-mail alerts to everyone of your subscribers and make sure that you attract a greater amount of traffic to your blog every time that youmake a new post. E-mail can also be great if you are beginningto cross promote products or even sell your own products on your blog or webpage. Developing a quality e-mail list for subscriptions early on can really help with growing your blog and as you continue to expand.



We aren’t the dinosaurs anymore; we’re breathingin the era of internet, and we’ve our own blogs. Our blogs have the potential to make us the lord and the master of the 21st century; they’re like the small TV channels which we possess. Through them, we explain our thoughts, shed light on numerous issues, transform ourselves into a brand, and etc. However,the issue is, it’s easy to create a blog, but it’s utterly tough to run and promote or market your blog like a professional…

There are numerous million-dollar ways that can help you in promoting the blog, but today, I’ll concentrate solely on the Facebook, as it has the latent power to promote your blog, on a grandscale. It’s, in fact, a blessing from heaven, especially if you’re new in the internet marketing and starting a blog.

Facebook is actually a giant. A fresh survey revealed that, today, more than 70 percent of our common communication happens through Facebook. And, besides, it has also become the home of marketing and promotion. Especially, bloggers, from all walks of life, use Facebook in order to promote their blog efficiently; they perceive that Facebook offers utmost benefits and opens the floodgates of success.

Therefore, if you’re new in this game, and learning – how to create a blog, you must learn how to promote it as well, as both these things are connected; without promotion, you’re probably signing the death warrants of your success … So, are you ready to pull your socks up? Well, I’ve arranged some splendid and professional tips for you that would help you massively if you don’t know how to blog…


It’s the first, and the most important, step, and it puts you in the ultimate position of power. Once you create the page on the Facebook regarding your blog, you’ve, in a way, all the tools to promote it splendidly. If I say, your blog’s page on the Facebook is actually another blog, it would be utterly right. Since, you’re connected to your fans on an additional level. When you like or post the new and interesting posts on your blog, you indirectly lure your page’s fans to visit your blog for more information.


Yes! You’re the brand; your service or product is the brand; you must make some significant changes in order to connect with your identity differently; you must appear as a neon sign in the sea of sameness. If your blog is regarding “handling kids”; create the entire Facebook page around handling kids; radiate something special, through pictures and cover photo, that can impel the visitors that you’re different, and the best, in your game. The unique design of your blog always plays a substantial role in your success.


There are two main factors that always attract the right eyeballs – pictures and videos. These both things are the ornament of your Facebook page. Especially, videos establish the authority; the more you upload the videos regarding your work, the more people trust you. In addition, try to post pictures rather than written posts, as pictures speak a thousand words, and they allow you to assert your own style in a unique way. Apart from this, you must stay active 24/7; give comments and communicate with the fans. This won’t only promote your blog, but also drive massive traffic to it rapidly. People would start to share your pictures and videos with their family and friends as well.


If you wish to turn your money into the treasure, use Facebook advertisement, as it also facilitates you to promote the blog majestically, even worldwide. Facebook ads not only allow you to promote your blog posts, known as: Promoted Posts, which reaches to your page’s each fan and appear in the news feed of their friends too, but also target the audience you need for your blog; you can opt for the audience, according to your niche, of course. It’s that spot light which allows you to shine almost immediately.


All in all, Facebook always rubs you in the best way when it comes to promoting your blog; you can connect with your market, while relishing a cup of coffee on your terrace. All you need is a laptop, Facebook page, and a few interesting posts. Facebook actually offers you a complete controlover the future as well; onceyour Facebook page starts breathing, you’ve all the power to treat your page as a professional blog; you can, in fact, move the millions!



Twitter is the public subject of conversation – always; it has the power to definea person’s thoughts in an interesting, and outstandingly small manner. People often tag it with thethrill of 21st century, and say that, it’s like that poet who rides the motorcycle. In other words, it doesn’t matter who you’re, introvert or extrovert, you always relish your moments on twitter and absorb the entire world in your veins in the best possible manner.

Especially, some new bloggers, who try to start their own professional blog, depend heavily on twitter, since they perceive that it’s one of the leading social media websites, and statistics confirm their perception too. In 2012, a fresh statistic revealed that twitter have 90 to 110 million users who post around 320 to 350 million tweets each day. And, in 2013, it’s been confirmed that it’s one of the top ten most visited website with more than 290 million active users… So, in other words, it’s an elephant of marketing as well.

After starting a blog, for marketing and promotion purposes, you should reap the benefits from the twitter; it can promote your blog on an immensely high-profile level. In case you don’t know an iota regarding it, allow me to give you a few million-dollar tips.


Twitter demands your creativity. Bloggers who are successful in promoting their blogs on the twitter are rather creative. They tweet something which isrelated to their blog, but in an interesting, unique, and creative method; they use very few characters, keep their tweets short, and do everything in their power to create a powerful impact through their words; they perceive that small and creative tweets assert a dominant power, and make people curious to that level where they feel an urge to visit their blog, over and over.


If you’re a marketer, you should mention your product/service at least in 90 percent of your tweets. The more you would inject your product/service in the thoughts of people, the more they would recognize you, and ponder you seriously. It’s actually a psychological thing, which professional advertisers use lavishly. Besides, if you’re competing for the higher rank, associate some celebrity with it, if he/she is utilizing it in his/her lifestyle. This would utterly boom your business, and impel your followers to spread your tweets even more.


We all love figures; we all love to know about the statistics. If you’ve some unique and new statistics in your tweet, you would always lure people massively. Statistics/Figures actually convey that you’re a credible and professional person, and you know better than others. Therefore, if your blog is about a football, tweet like: “Do you know, Ronaldo scored 40 more goals compared to Zidane?” This type of tweet is always different and more professional than a common tweet, and it gives more exposure to your blog.


When your blog post tweets are attractive, in a way, you earn free promotion, in the form of numerous re-tweets. In addition, people visit your blog too in order to explore more. However, the question is how can you make your tweet attractive? Well, use fantastic images in your blog post tweets. Post those pictures which can compel your followers to visit your blog; it’s a great psychological move that promotes your blog grandly, as people response to the pictures more than the actual tweet.


Yes! If you’ve set up a new blog, you can promote it immediately by opening your wallet and advertising your tweets. Twitter offers its users an immensely inexpensive and superb way to advertise tweets; its tweets appear in every person’s feed, rather than appearing only in your followers’ feeds. Furthermore, you can target your audience as well through keywords, interest, and the devices they use, and etc. Once you accomplish this step, you open the floodgates of promotion and push your positive reputation to travel fast.


If you’re making a blog, twitter can transform it into a new business, through massive promotion. All you need is to canvass it, and test it, carefully. The more you rely on the twitter, the more you leverage power and support your business, and ideas. And, the best thing is, running twitter professionally is utterly easy; youdon’t need to master a wide array of skills; just gather a few creative words and pictures, post them, and embrace success.



Are you trying to do some promotion of your new blog? Well, you must adjust into the new realities; you must use those tools that havethe latent power to bring incredibly positive results. For instance: Instagram. It’s that tool which not only further encourages your blog promotion, but also facilitates you to become a premiere in your industry. All in all, it’s a professional social networking service which allows its user to upload pictures and share a 15 second video, but generally, it’s well-known as a picture sharing application.

Instagram, now, has become the fastest growing website on the internet. Statistics reveal that it has around 140 to 180 million monthly active users, and around 50 to 80 million users use it each day. This is rather astonishing, which always lures the bloggers on a grand level, and impels them to use this platform for promotional purposes. It’s, in fact, a favorite social media website for bloggers; they constantly use it to reap the professional benefits.

If you’re starting your own blog, and making a concrete effort to promoteit, use Instagram. It has all the answers for your exhausted questions; it can create significant difference and bring positive end results for you… Below are some outstanding tips that would surely help you to promote the blog like a pro through Instagram.

So, pull your seats up, and take some notes…


First, insert the link of your blog in the Instagram bio, as it’s immensely necessary; it can definitely influence the genuine users to visit your website. In addition, post those pictures which are utterly related to your blog, and always put the link of your blog in every image. Now, of course, you can put the link in the comments too, but, remember, it won’t be clickable; the visitors would need to copy and paste the link in order to reach your blog. Apart from this, write a resounding description of your blog post, in the comment section; it should be short, but immensely powerful. Since, Instagram is not a place where people come to read stuff, they come to see and explore attractive things.


If you perceive the gravity of Instagram, you must know that it utterly runs on the hashtags. Therefore, you need to use the hashtags rather wisely, because if you won’t, people won’t be able to find your content. And, consequently, your promotional efforts would taste the dust… Let me give you an example. If your blog is about football, use hashtags like: #TDOF (Touch down of the Day), it would be brilliant to show the picture of the goal as well… Youcan use another hashtag like: #POTM (Player of the Month), #Lovely, #Fantastic, and etc. It’s best to use those hashtags which people often use to explore their interest. Don’t try to use enormous hashtags to earn people’s attention, it won’t work.


If you’re pondering using Instagram, must show yourself. People love to see the person who posts the images oftheir needs. Therefore, post those images in which you’re working, or doing something special. You can also connect your images with your blog. For instance: if your blog is about bikes, post some images in which you’re with the bikes. This would not only increase the credibility, but also obligate people to trust your recommendations. Besides, you can share the short videos of your blog as well. Surprise them with a short 15 second video; introduce yourself or teach them something new through it. This would drive more traffic to your blog; professional bloggers frequently use this trick on the Instagram.


Instagram always helps you to lead new visitors to your blog; it’s like a winner’s trophy, especially for those who perceive how to take professional and creative pictures and attract people on all emotional and psychological levels. If you feel you’ve some photography skills, then Instagram is probably the best option for you; just take some refreshingly different photos of yourself, and your product, with a dash of fun and share it on Instagram. The more you would do that, the more you will lure people, and promote your blog 24/7.


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