Web Traffic Analysis
Knowing where your current
(and future) web traffic is really coming from is a critical first step. We're
not just talking about a simple hit counter on your web page here.
You need to know unique web
visitors. You need full knowledge of how people are finding you, including
which search engines and keywords they used, or which partner site referred
them. This will be crucial to evaluating future improvements to your web traffic.
Often times, this new data will help you discover new search terms and search
engines that spawn ideas to even further expanding your web traffic.
Our first step is always
setting up real-time traffic monitoring on your site. You will have your own real-time
access to your site's data. Besides extensive graphs of your web traffic,
you'll also have the following data at your fingertips:
- Summary
- By Page
- Hourly History
- Daily History
- Weekly History
- Monthly History
- Yearly History
- 30-Days by Hour
- Latest Page Views
- Latest Visitors
- Domain Search
- Repeat Visitors
- Domains
- Major Domains
- Languages
- Countries
- Navigation Paths
- Entry Pages
- Exit Pages
- Reloads
- Referring Sites
- Referring Sites Detail
- Search Engines
- Search Keywords
- Keywords by Engine
- Daily Search
Engine History
- Weekly Search
Engine History
- Monthly Search
Engine History
- Major Domains
- Countries
- Browsers
- Browser Versions
- Operating Systems
- Screen Resolutions
- Color Palettes
- Script Versions
- Java Support
- Cookie Support
- Hour of Day
- Day of Week
- Day of Month
Keyword Research
Finding the proper search
Knowing how many times
certain search phrases are being used in the engines is critical to planning
your search engine marketing strategy. Optimizing your web site for the wrong
keywords will cost you visitors. You may actually have a #1 search engine ranking
on certain keywords, yet you still receive no traffic. This is generally
because very few people are really searching for those keywords that you are
ranking well on. As an off-the-wall
example, say you decide to target the phrase "asxlk djlskasdfl". If
you place that phrase on your web page a few times and submit your site to
the search engines, most likely you will be in the top results for that
particular term. But you will not get any traffic off this top listing
because nobody is searching for it. Even more important is
discovering the dozens or even hundreds of keywords out there that your
competition may not have thought to target. Our proprietary tools will
quickly generate an extensive report of related keywords, along with an
analysis of the competition for that keyword. We will then analyze and place
each keyword into one or more of the following categories: 1) Use Pay-Per-Click ServicesMost targeted keywords are
worth paying the minimal amount to generate a visitor to your site using the
recommended pay per click (PPC) sites. We'll help discover those hidden gems
that, for a very low cost-per-click, you can be placed in the top spots. 2) Target in Web DirectoriesIn some sites such as MSN,
web directory entries come up before regular search engine results. Your
listing description needs to be carefully constructed to target your main
keywords (especially those words receiving a lot of searches but with little
competition). 3) Optimize for Search EnginesFinally, we will identify
search terms that are too expensive to be ranked well in the pay-per-click
sites. Ideally, all relevant keywords would be optimized for the search
engines (because usually indexing with them generates 'free' leads). But
since we are balancing results with cost, carefully choosing the terms to
target is essential. |