Menopause Home Remedies
Menopause, like you may have already know, it not actually a disease. It is
just a new phase in the life of any woman that causes ovulation to stop and
consequently menstruation is brought to a cease as well.
This natural life progression in the
life of any woman often begins several years before the common menopausesymptoms begin to show.
Your hormone
levels may fluctuate from time to time becoming so slow that your endometrium
remains thin and ceases to bleed.
Your ovaries
will just start slowing down production of essential hormones like
progesterone, estrogen and testerone. Contrary to what so many women may think,
estrogen is not only important when it comes to sex.
It is also
found in other non-reproductive organ s in your body and is useful in other
body functions like bladder function, bone formation, heart, breast and even
the liver.
It is also
needed by your body to maintain an ideal body temperate and to keep your skin
healthy and moist.
Low estrogen levels normally causes changes in the
production of collagen thus affecting nails, skin, hair and the tendons. Your
skin may therefore become thinner than you expect, dry, less elastic and prone
to any itching and bruising that may occur.
Hot flushes, palpitation, insomnia, night sweats,
headaches, vaginal dryness and joint aches are among the most common symptoms
of menopause.
Unfortunately, menopause cannot be avoided. But
there are a few home remedies that can effectively deal with all these symptoms
and make you feel like that young lady you once were.
Natural menopause
But before considering any of these home remedies,
keep in mind that 51 years is the average age of natural menopause. But it
sometimes can occur much earlier, a condition which is medically termed as
premature menopause.
In most cases, premature menopause occurs before
the age of 45 while perimenopause which is the stage from the onset of
menopause symptoms to post menopause may begin any time from 50.
If by any
chance you have premature menopause seek medical assistance first as the
condition may be corrected and you may find that you have a chronic underlying
condition causing premature menopause. Do not take chances as it is your health
at stake.
Foods are good for menopause
Increase your estrogen levels by consuming plants
that are rich in estrogenic substances. Such foods include pumpkins, alfalfa,
soybeans and soy products, corn, apples cabbage, cucumber, flax seeds, oats,
papaya, beets olive, yams, wheat beets, garlic and sesame seeds. These foods
are rich in vitamins fibers and other minerals that are not just essential for
menopause but also for your general wellbeing.
Pregnancies during per menopause.
Keep your body cool by dressing in layers to cub
hot flashes. Then practice slow rhythmic breathing to manage stress. Avoid
alcohol and smoking as they will only make things worse.
Then reduce the risk of osteoporosis by consuming
calcium rich foods. Kegel exercise or vaginal lubricants can help you to
prevent vaginal dryness during sex.
Then take birth control measures to prevent
unexpected pregnancies during perimenopause.