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Natural Herbal Remedies For Healthier Skin And Preventing Wrinkles

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 Natural Herbal Remedies For Healthier Skin And Preventing Wrinkles

Natural Herbal Remedies For Healthier Skin And Preventing Wrinkles

Natural skin care remedies includes natural herbal health remedies like aloe vera, almond, avocado, carrot, castor, clay, cocoa, coconut oil, cornmeal, cucumber, cutch tree or khadira, emu oil, ginkgo biloba, ginseng, grape, grape seed oil, ground almond and walnut shell, horse chestnut, witch hazel, honey and jojoba oil.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe is a great herb with neutral pH, healing, emollient and toner properties. Most of cosmetics for wrinkles use this herb.


Almond oil is described in Bible as well as ancient Ayurveda books for preventing wrinkles when applied and massaged over face.


Avocado oil is an emollient for dry skin.


Carrot is high in Vit. A, whose deficiency can cause dry skin and premature wrinkling.  Carrot contains beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant. So munching carrots is good for preventing wrinkles and for healthier skin. Carrot oil can be used over the skin.


Castor oil is an emollient that is used since Biblical times.


Clay is the most astringent of the mask bases. It is ideal for mixing with ground herbs, essential oils or both. Use a cosmetic-grade bentonite, kaolin or Fuller's earth clay rather than pottery or building clay, which may contain impurities.


Cocoa butter is a major emollient. It melts at body temperature and remoisturizes dry skin, especially around the eyes (crow's-feet), the corners of the mouth and on the neck (turkey neck). I like it because it comes from the Amazon.

Coconut Oil:

Another similar tropical emollient is coconut oil.


Cornmeal is a better and gentle abrasive than chemical exfoliants and even than ground almond and walnut shells.


Cucumber is a cheap soothing moisturizer that can be cut into slices to wipe the face or it can be blended and mashed to be applied over skin.

Cutch Tree Or Khadira:

The bark of ayurvedic herb is a strong astringent and toner.

Emu Oil:

Emu oil can be used to give the skin a healthier look and feel. It has long been recognized in Australia as an anti-aging agent and is just now beginning to have widespread use in other countries.

Ginkgo biloba:

Research into ginkgo's effects on humans shows that it speeds up the flow of blood and oxygen through the body and brain. Promotion of circulation to the skin enhances nutrients delivered to the cells.


The active components of Ginseng are called ginsenosides and are reported to be responsible for he revitalization and reactivation of epidermal cells. Ginseng is also a strong adaptogenic and revitalizing herb for internal use.


Grapes contain AHA that naturally peels off dead skin.

Grape Seed Oil:

Powerful antioxidant compounds called procyanidins are found in extract of grape seeds which enhances the development of healthy cells and protects the skin from damage. This oil contains proanthrocyanidins. Proanthrocyanidins are very potent antioxidants that protect tissues from a range of oxidative injuries. It is a good antioxidant and emollient.

Ground Almond Shell and Walnut Shell:

These are useful as exfoliants.


Honey is used in facials to make skin soft and supple.

Jojoba oil:

American Indians have used jojoba oils for generations to condition skin. It has a similar structure as the natural sebum of skin.


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