Why should woman gain weight?
Woman obviously gain weight during pregnancy because the
fetus is growing within the uterus. A woman should gain ideal weight during
pregnancy. If she does not gain adequate weight, then she must get herself
checked with the gynecologist to see if the fetus is growing properly. If she
has gained excess weight then she must reduce her weight by performing workouts
and following a healthy diet.
Ideally, a woman should gain weight during pregnancy by 14 to
18 kilos. Some woman fear if they have not gained more weight. But still, after
the sonography test indicates healthy growth of the baby, she need not worry.
Usually, excess weight gain during pregnancy leads to complications. After
delivery such woman cannot lose weight easily.
If the baby within the womb is gaining weight correctly, even if the mother does not gain weight then she need not fear. A woman should consume healthy food during this period to provide nutrition to the growing fetus. She should avoid the intake of ghee, butter and the other nutrients that provide fat. She should consume foods that provide hemoglobin such as spinach, green beans, salads, coriander and fruits. There should be sufficient amniotic fluid in the body of the woman.
Most of the women lose weight during the first four months of pregnancy because they face symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or morning sickness. Hence most of them lose appetite and finally lose weight. But yet, if the growth of the baby is healthy, there is to need to fear. On the contrary, if the woman is gaining right weight, it does not mean that the baby is growing normally.
The weight gain for the mother is more pronounced after 20 to
24 months due to the growth of the fetus. After 18 months the woman feels the
movements of the baby. As advised by the medical experts, a woman should gain
weight during her pregnancy, whether she is overweight or underweight. A woman
who is considered to be clinically overweight must gain ideally 15 pounds and
those woman who are underweight are expected to gain 25 to 30 pounds. The
following weights that are mentioned are applied for the woman who are carrying
a single baby. If the mother is carrying two or more babies, then she must gain
more weight. Till, today, the medical experts have not been able to prescribe
standard weights for woman.
It is really essential for a woman to gain weight because she
shall give birth to a new human being. Mothers who do not consume enough
nutrition during this period are most likely to produce sick babies who will
require more time in hospital. Such mothers shall face high risk of incidence
of neonatal death.
Dietary plans
If a woman really wants to gain weight during pregnancy, she
should not eat too much or eat more than two times a day. She should eat
healthy food that she gains the ideal weight.
Avoid eating junk food and eat food that is filled with
nutrients. Junk food does not lead to healthy development. During the snack
time if you are eating candy bar , substitute it with a fresh fruit. Continue
the same diet when having lunch or dinner.
In the first trimester, there is a slight weight gain about 9
pounds to 11 pounds. This weight gain is due to the water content in the body.
the water content that is present in the body will help the baby grow. During
the first trimester your baby will not grow up substantially and seems to be
very tiny. Then during the next two trimesters it grows up well. At the end of
the pregnancy the woman experiences slight weight loss.
A woman should not gain several pounds in a week. If she gains, she must analyze her eating habits. Remember that your dietary pattern directly affects the baby’s growth. Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Hence a woman should gain weight slowly. The composition of the weight during pregnancy is as follows.
7.5 to 8.5 lbs of weight is for the baby.
The amniotic fluid is about 2 lbs.
The placenta is about 1.5 to 2 lbs.
2 to 2.5 lbs weight is of uterine muscles.
4 lbs weight is occupied by water.
8 lbs is for maternal stores.
The exact weight to be gained by a woman can be determined by
measuring her BMI i.e. Body Mass Index.
Suppose, during the pre-pregnancy period if the woman was
healthy, about a BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 pounds, then must gain 25 to 30 pounds.
You must gain about 2 to 5 pounds in the first trimester or ideally one pound
in a week. In the same way if you were underweight then you must gain 28 to 40
pounds ideally and if you were underweight then you must gain around 25 to 29
pounds. But if you were obese then you must not gain more than 15 pounds.
It is very important to gain right weight during pregnancy
because if you gain excess weight during pregnancy you shall face a number of
problems like backache, swollen legs, ankles, etc. these problems occur due to
the increased amount of blood and other fluid in the body.
According to the recent studies conducted by the medical
experts, it was researched that an obese woman can lose weight instead of
gaining weight during pregnancy and also she cannot cause any harm to the baby.
Also the researchers have recently found that if a woman gains excess weight,
the consequences will be really harmful both to her and her baby. But if she
loses weight, her child will not face any problem of excess weight gain in the
future. Ideally doctor advises underweight woman to gain more weight and
overweight woman to gain less weight. If a woman gains weight more than what
the doctor has recommended her then her children are most likely to become
overweight in the future.
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