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Proven and Efficient Ayurvedic Solutions for Eczema

Proven and Efficient Ayurvedic Solutions for Eczema 

Proven and Efficient Ayurvedic Solutions for Eczema

Eczema is a chronic skin condition that makes your skin patchy, inflamed, rough, and cracked. This non-contagious disease is typically accompanied by blisters, rashes, itches, and redness of the skin. Eczema can affect people from all age groups, but it tends to occur more in children with recurrence in their later life.

Types of Eczema

There are 8 types of eczema:

1.    Atopic dermatitis

2.    Hand eczema

3.    Nummular eczema

4.    Stasis dermatitis

5.    Contact dermatitis

6.    Lichen simplex chronicus

7.    Dyshidrotic eczema

8.    Seborrheic dermatitis

Symptoms Of Eczema

The symptoms of eczema may differ from one person to the other. Some of the common symptoms include:

  • Rashes
  • Burning sensations
  • Pain in the affected skin
  • Red patches
  • Scaly skin
  • Inflammation
  • Cuts and skin cracks
  • Skin looks dry
  • Sensitive and thickened skin
  • Small bumps on the skin

Ayurvedic View On Eczema

According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, Eczema or Vicharchika is a result of the aggravated pitta levels in the body. Pitta increases in the body due to a deficient diet and faulty lifestyle. The increased pitta levels in the body cause an aggregation of heating toxins in the skin, known as ama. These toxins affect the body tissues by accumulating in them, hence resulting in eczema and other chronic skin diseases.

Natural And Ayurvedic Solutions For Eczema

Ayurvedic experts prescribe certain definite Ayurvedic remedies for eczema that affects the root cause of it and cleanses the body toxins. Some of them include:

Proper Changes In The Diet And Lifestyle

This is the primary and the most important Ayurvedic remedy for skin problems. Before anything else, you must modify your diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent the increment of pitta in your body. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Refrain from having spicy, fried, and oily foods.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and preserved foods.
  • Limit exposure to direct sunlight and allergens.
  • Include fatty fish into your diet. Fishes like herring and salmon contain high levels of omega 3 that help to reduce eczema and other skin allergies.
  • Probiotic foods and foods with quercetin must be taken in order to reduce allergic reactions and inflammation of the skin.
  • Avoid wearing synthetic clothes as they restrict perspiration. Wear loose cotton clothes.
  • Exercise and practice yoga on a daily basis to increase your body’s immunity.
  • Use a mild soap for bathing.
  • Do not scratch or rub your skin.
  • Always use a soft towel to clean your skin.

Best Herbs To Cure Eczema

Herbs are the most effective Ayurvedic remedies for skin allergies. Following are a few herbs that help to cure eczema:

  • Calendula
  • Chamomile
  • Turmeric
  • Linseed
  • Indian beech
  • Lavender
  • Neem
  • Aloe vera
  • Liquorice
  • Chickweed
  • Madhuca
  • Babul
  • Butea

The healing properties of these herbs reduce inflammation and hence help to cure eczema and other skin allergies.

Effective Home Remedies

Home remedies are the most preferred Ayurvedic remedies for psoriasis and eczema. Some of the easiest and most effective recipes are discussed below:

  • Make a mixture of apple cedar vinegar and water. Apply it to the affected areas with clean cotton balls to reduce inflammation and burning sensations.
  • Use diluted tea tree oil with olive oil to the dry patches of your skin. This reduces the itchiness and irritation of your skin due to eczema.
  • Add mineral or vegetable oils to your warm bath to soften and moisturize your skin.
  • Add a few tablespoons of crushed flaxseed to your daily food items to reduce inflammation in your skin.

These aforementioned Ayurvedic remedies for acne, eczema, and psoriasis are proven and effective and work wonders to cure chronic skin problems.




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