Top 10 Best Super-foods For Growing Children
Growing children need more vitamins, minerals to fuel up their body and accelerate growth. If they have a deficient diet, growth failure is inevitable.
Here are the top 10 best super foods for growing children:
1. Milk
Known for
centuries, milk is an important source of vitamin D and calcium;
both of which are essential for the accurate mineralization of growing bones
and stature. Besides, vitamin D also enhances the absorption of dietary calcium
via variety of mechanisms. It increases the intestinal absorption of dietary
calcium and its deposition in the bones. It escalates bone resorption of calcium
and phosphorus, releasing calcium and phosphorus to the blood. This extremelybeneficial vitamin not only boosts calcium in the blood stream and bones, yet
another important mineral for bones called phosphorus.
Accordingly, not only milk contains both calcium, vitamin D, but
also these micro-nutrients in milk interact with one another, leading to
enhanced growth in children.
2. Yogurt
Likewise, yogurt is another dairy product serving the same role
for a child’s development as milk.
3. Fruits
Fresh fruits should be a very important part of a child’s diet. Either give them handy in a lunch or brunch box, or blend them and give your child to sip up fresh juices; they are a compulsory snack for children to help them progress better.
4. Fresh Vegetables
Fresh vegetables,
especially green leafy vegetables (which
are the major source of folic acid), are necessary to incorporate in a child’s
regular dietary routine. Folic acid is required because it plays a major role
in the synthesis of DNA, which is a nucleic acid, the body’s genetic material
and is particularly important for growing and rapidly dividing tissues and
cells). Furthermore, folate is crucial for brain function as well. Apart from
that, folate functions with vitamin B12 to abet in making red blood cells and
iron work properly in the bloodstream. Hence, defective folic acid diet can
lead to a folate predominant “megaloblastic anemia” (enormously
enlarged RBCs) and you really do not want your child to suffer from this
terrible anemia with time.
Do not forget to give carrots to your child, since they contain
vitamin A in copious amounts, which is best for your child’s good vision.
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to night blindness in the long term.
5. Eggs
An exceptionally
enriched food stuffed with protein and vitamins provides all the nutritious
elements for your growing kiddo. The body wants protein for the formation of
building blocks, called amino acids, for stronger bones and muscles. If your
child does not like a boil egg, try to serve egg by combining it
with his/her favorite noodles/macaroni cheese
etc. and let your child enjoy the nourishing wholesome food.
6. Fish
Fish provides the growing children with omega 3 fatty acids.
Omega 3 is fundamental for the developing brain and nerves. Evidence-based
studies demonstrate that introducing fish earlier in your kid’s diet fortifies
memory and prevents ADHD. Many kids are not fond of the taste or smell of fish.
In that case, try making a fish sandwich mixed with veggies or macaronis and a
little mayo spread and the kid will love that!
7. Meat
Meat is loaded with proteins (one of the three macronutrients,
the other two being fats and carbohydrates) that serve as the building blocks
for amino acids for stronger bones, muscles, cartilage, hair, nails and blood
cells, and animal food is “THE SOLITARY SOURCE OF VITAMIN B12,” therefore,
should be a key diet for a developing child. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to
hematological (blood-related) and neurological abnormalities. Pack a healthy
snack by mixing it with DIY veggies. Remember your body does not have protein
reservoirs, unlike that of fat and carbohydrates.
8. Whole grains
Adding whole grains means adding more fiber and more protein!
You can use wholegrain breads for making snacks. Other forms of serving whole
grains are oats, oatmeal, wheat, barley, fortified whole grain cereals, whole
grain pastas, brown rice, etc. Introduce them gradually as your child’s
sensitive belly may be unable to tolerate the bulky fiber in whole grains
initially but “better be safe than sorry!”
9. Natural Nutty Butter
You must have heard your elders raving about “chew seven almonds
in the morning for an awesome memory.” They are not wrong! It is a good idea to
give natural nutty butters free from highly saturated fats (bad fats) like
peanut butter, almond, and cashew butters or simply offer them a handful of
these nuts. They are good for your child’s developing brain and memory aside
from a variety of other healthy benefits.
10. Water
Hydrate well! Children have a habit of skipping drinking water
while at school and while playing out mainly in summer (during which the
tendency for dehydration increases four-fold). Dehydration can make your kid
lethargic, irritable, and incapable to concentrate and memorize. Therefore
maintaining a good hydration is a necessity.