What is Natural Breast Enhancement or Enlargement? Why is there need for it?
Natural breast enhancement or enlargement is a hot
topic among supplements and herbal remedies marketer. They catch hold of some
pills and start marketing it without considering other factors that are
interwoven with this issue.
Why is natural breast enhancement necessary?
The world is full
of duality. And this duality is expressed in a balanced manner in male and
female or in men and women. Modern feminist like John Gray, the famous author
of ‘Men Are From Mars And Women From Venus”, have rightly stressed the truth of
difference of men and women while emphasizing their equality.
Men have been
touted for their rationalism and women for their feeling, men for their
strength and women for their beauty. Beauty is never limited to body; it is
expressed through mind, emotions and body. And no one can deny the first
swaying impression of the physical sense of beauty. Thousands of prose and
poetical renditions provide the testimony. According to scores of reports and
surveys, the beauty of the feminine body is conveyed in its strongest way
through the sensuousness and sensuality of bust line.
So it is just
natural and a part of mental make up of women to associate their sense of
beauty, charm, sensuality, sexuality and self-esteem with breasts that are
attractive in looks, in feeling and in touch. Here mammary glands surpasses the
biological concept of being an accessory reproductive organ and becomes a part
and parcel of feminine virtue. This feeling is ingrained in greater depth in by
all forms of media as well as friend circle.
Girls and women
feel great self-esteem and confidence socially, emotionally and personally by
having appropriate depth of bust line and size of breasts that are firm, full,
elastic and resilient. Women never accept at least mentally the opposite
scenario such as scanty or little size of breasts, drooping or pendulous
breasts, sagging and flaccid breasts. Natural breast enhancement or enlargement
tells about natural and holistic means for correcting the above condition of
insufficient mammary glands.
Natural Breast Enhancement - The Tissues Forming The Breasts:
The size of
breasts varies in women and also in different periods of life. But the
size of base of breast is fairly constant. Breast extends from second to
sixth rib along the middle of collarbone. Breast rests just below the skin and
above the pectoralis muscle or chest muscle.
Breast consists of
nipple and surrounding areola covering 2.5 centimeter area around the center.
Areola is muscular and erectile. The breast tissue consists of subcutaneous
fat, the lactiferous duct and the lactating glands, fibrous connective tissue
made up of collagen protein and plenty of lymph vessels, blood vessels and
Is The Size Of Breasts Related To Body Size?
Though the body of
females is divided into three body types – huge or large, medium and lean and
thin. But these body types are neither related with nor relevant for
the size of breasts. Ladies with large physical built can have small
breasts and lean and thin ladies can possess large and fuller breasts that is
why fuller bust line could be desirable with different body types.
Time When Size Of Breasts Do Change Normally:
From structural
point of view, there is no significant difference in male and female breasts
until they reach puberty. During the pubertal growth spurt in girls,
breast enhancement occurs as a secondary reproductive organ. Now breasts
enlarge and develop in size. From this time onwards, changes in breasts occur
in a cyclical manner following the pattern of hormonal changes during each
menstrual cycle.
The second
development of breasts occurs during pregnancy. Even during early
pregnancy, nipple and areola becomes larger with more muscles and connective
tissue. The lactating ducts proliferate and increase in size. The blood supply
increases and this results in fuller and larger breasts.
Third change in
breasts occurs when a mother stops breastfeeding. Breasts shrink a
little chiefly due to loss of some fat but retains most of the lactating parts
and much of the muscular part. Fourth change is associated with ageing
and menopause.
So you see women
might feel the desire for natural breast enhancement during any of these
periods. Natural breast enhancement should also be seen as connected to better
health of breasts. Then and then alone, it could present the holistic viewpoint
of natural breast enhancement and enlargement.