What is Pregnancy ?
Pregnancy is a boom for women. It’s an important stage in her
life in which she is giving birth to a new being.
Though the span of pregnancy is nearly 10 months, and lots of
difficulties and pain gone through she will be utmost happy when she delivers
her baby.
This is the process initializing for pregnancy. It involves
the fusion of male gamete(spermatozoa or sperm) with the
female egg or ovum.
chr) +ovum(23 chr)=zygote(46chr).
genetic material.
The egg released every month is viable only for 24 hrs.
Hence fusion has to take place within two days of release of egg. Sperm once
entered the vagina is viable for 5-7 days depending on the body condition.
Increased Chances Of Fertilization:
· Women
are most fertile during the age of 23-27, but chances continue up to the age of
29 too.
After this age probabilities fall down to a greater level.
· Regular
menstrual period so that the release of egg and hormonal levels are regularized
and predictable.
· Chances
of pregnancy are at peak during the ovulation period (time at which egg is
released) every month usually it occurs around 10-14 th day of regular
menstrual periods.
· Good
healthy body is essential for pregnancy.
Prenatal Care:
A women planning for pregnancy should take care of her health properly.
- Food
rich in protein, vitamin, iron, calcium should be started taking well in
advance of three months. This is very very essential for her to bear all
the tough times during pregnancy and to meet the increased demand during
- Maintain
healthy weight with regular exercise regimen.
- Avoid
illicit drugs, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks.
- Start
taking 400 micrograms of folic acid which plays very significant role in
the neural (BRAIN) development.
- It’s
always good to have a opinion of the gynaecologist before getting
Signs & Symptoms:
Early pregnancy:
The earliest
time a pregnancy be detected is about 3 weeks that’s when your hormone level is
up and it is easier to detect a blood test can detect the pregnancy from about
2 weeks it is more accurate as well.
- Missed
period if otherwise have a regular period.
- Implantation
bleeding occur during the III-IV th week of last menstrual period (LMP).
I Trimester:
- Breast
feeling tender, soft & sore.
- Morning
- Increased
craving for food.
- Fatigue,dizziness,headache(hormonal
- Mood
II Trimester:
- Can
feel the movements of foetus.
- Emotional
- Abdomen
starts showing up.
- Increased
urinating feeling.
III Trimester:
- Abdominal
size reaching it ti the maximum.
- Improper
digestion and flatulence.
- Lower
backache due to arching of spine.
- Increased
hair fall.
- Psychological
First Medical Visit:
The first visit scheduled between 8 to 12 weeks is designed
to determine general health and give health care and provide clues to the risk
factors that might affect your pregnancy.
It includes:
- Through
physical examination.
- Pap
smear taken to rule any cervical cancers and sexually transmitted
- Ultra
sound scan.
- Complete
blood count.
- Urinalysis.
- Test
to rule out sexually transmitted diseases & hepatatis.
The pregnant women can get the information of her due date
Stages Of Pregnancy:
The total span of pregnancy is
40 weeks from last menstrual period called as gestational period.
It s conveniently divided in to
three stages based on the growth pattern of the foetus. They are
- I
- II
I Trimester: (Up to 14 weeks of gestation)
It is considered to be started from the first day of
women’s last menstrual period.
During this stage,
Sperm + egg = zygote.
Embryogical division.
This blastocyst has an outer most layer called trophoblast
which gets embedded in the uterine wall forming placenta later.
It produces human chorionic gonadotrophic hormone which gives
the first indication of pregnancy in serum (blood) and urine later.
Thus there will be
embryological development of foetus in this stage.
Conceptus between time of
fertilization to 10 weeks of pregnancy is called so.
After this once the embryological division is finished it
starts differentiating morphologically ,this stage from the 10 th week onwards
is known as foetus.
By the end of the first month,
baby is about 1/4 inch long.
By the end of
this stage , all the major organs have been formed. But this period is highly
sensitive and there are more chances for miscarriages .
II Trimester: (14 to 28
weeks of gestation)
In this stage there is full
blown growth of the foetus increasing the demand fom the mother.During this
stage the size of the foetus increases dramatically.
III Trimester:(28 week to
There will be maturation of all the organs that has developed earlier.There
will be regular rapid movements of the foetus.
Care During
The pregnant
women has to put extra efforts to take care of her health .she has to
maintain her physical as well as phsycological health .
has to be enriched with lot of vitamins ,iron, proteins etc.mainly she
has to take lots of fruits , vegetables, milk , egg, fish, green leafy
vegetables,soya, ragi etc.
At the
same time she should be physically fit by doing particular exercises
through out her pregnancy.
Phsycological health too plays a very imporatnt role.she should nurture
positive mindset and happy thoughts.
Due to harmonal imbalance, pregnant women is prone for dental problems like
gingivitis.So its important to take care of her dental health too.Dental
treatments like extractions if being an emergency can be done
safely in II trimester .
Child Birth:
pregnancy is considered to have reached term between 37 and 43 weeks from the
beginning of the last menstruation.Labour is marked by onset of regular
contractions of uterus, with severe pain.there is rise in oxytocin hormon level
which helps in cervical relaxation.
Majority of the case have
normal delivery but few conditions llike cord prolapse requires an emergency
cesserean-section which is nothing but surgical removal of foetus from
the mother.
of Pregnancy:
- Abortion there are many reasons for it to
occur and common in I trimester.
- Ectopic pregnancy where there is
implantattion of the embryo outside the uterus.It has to be
terminated otherwise there is risk for the death of mother.
- Placental abruption where there
is seperation of placenta from the foetus.Depending on the stage of
growth of the foetus treatment is done.
· Gestational
diabetes When
the body is not able to make all the insulin it needs during pregnancy there is
a build up of high levels of glucose in the blood, and is termed Gestational
Newborn will be overweight and there are more chances for
them to get type II diabetes later in their life.
- Pre-eclampsia there
is rapid rise in blood pressure due to protein which is released from
placenta causing endothelial dysfunction in maternal blood vessels.