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It is possible to lose weight without affecting your health, as long as you follow a balanced diet.

In general terms, you should learn to balance your menus and eat a healthy diet with low-fat foods, suppressing energy drinks, fizzy drinks, sugary drinks and alcohol. Along with this change in eating habits, you should also assume a more dynamic posture, trying to get some physical exercise (walks are an excellent way to exercise, if you can't “face” the challenges of the gym).


We leave you a list of tips that will allow you to lose weight with health, keeping your energy levels high.

  • At night, for dinner, prefer low-calorie foods. Thus, you do not sleep on a very full stomach and prevent food from becoming “fat deposits”.
  • Spice up the meal. Pepper helps speed up metabolism, just add two teaspoons to your food.
  • Bet on foods that help you lose weight, such as flaxseed, oats and quinoa .
  • Learn to say no when it comes to eating what your body doesn't need. The law is simple, excesses go straight to the balance.
  • Eat calmly, preferably in a calm environment. Do not eat while standing or in front of the television; sit at the table or in a quiet place and make this a moment of pleasure.
  • Have a good plate of salad before hot food. This way, you will be more satiated when you serve the most caloric foods.
  • Control your feelings without resorting to food. When you feel anxious or sad, try to calm down or talk to someone; never “let off steam” with chocolate.
  • Sleep well and enough hours for your body to rest. Several studies have linked the lack of adequate rest to being overweight.
  • Choose lean foods. Swap full-fat milk or yogurts for lean versions and save on calorie intake.
  • Brush your teeth right after a meal. The habit, in addition to ensuring a healthy mouth, prevents the desire to eat a sweet.
  • Avoid eating too many beans, cabbage, cauliflower and peppers. These foods form gas and can lead to a bulging belly.
  • Diet at least three days a week. If it's too hard for you to stick to the meal plan for the entire week, choose at least three days to cut calories. In those, consume minimal fat, zero frying or sweets and do not drink sodas.
  • Snack between meals. Eating little, but several times a day (every 3 hours), speeds up your metabolism and prevents you from overeating.
  • Keep your health up to date. Control hormone levels and prevent any dysfunction that can hinder your weight loss
  • Move more! If you have difficulty going to a gym, practice 30 minutes of physical activity daily. Choose modalities that you like or that are practical (cycling, hiking, climbing stairs instead of using the elevator, among many others). Invite family and/or friends if it gives you more motivation.
  • Do not exclude any food groups from your diet. The carbohydrates are as important as protein and healthy fat. A healthy dish mixes all food groups in a balanced way.
  • Do not leave the house without having breakfast. Those who start the day with a more balanced diet tend to follow the same steps with other meals.
  • Never exercise on an empty stomach! Without enough fuel for the effort, the intensity of the activity and the burning of calories are reduced.
  • Whole foods are the best option. Change white dough, flour or rice for the wholegrain variety; the fibers help to regulate intestinal transit and give a feeling of fullness for a longer period of time. White flours, on the other hand, quickly turn into body fat.
  • Broccoli is a great dietary aid as it helps you lose weight. This is because this vegetable has few calories and is rich in antioxidants, which fight fat.
  • Plan a family outing for the weekend. It can be on foot, by bicycle or on roller skates. In addition to being distracted, you'll be exercising and losing fat in a fun way.
  • Prefer fresh food. In addition to eating healthier, when leaving processed foods, reduces the amount of fat and sodium, retaining less fluid.
  • Reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Remove yellow cheeses from your diet and replace them with curd or low-fat fresh cheese.
  • If you are craving chocolate, the best time to eat the candy is after lunch. According to experts, chocolate mixes with the other ingredients and its effect is less.
  • If you're out with friends, make healthy choices at mealtimes, substituting soda for water or fries for vegetables.
  • Replace soft drinks with water; by doing so, you will be considerably reducing your intake of sugars and you may be eating, on average, 150 calories less.
  • Do you have a friend who needs to lose weight? Pair up with him, so one encourages the other in times of discouragement or “laziness”.
  • Change the diet for dietary re-education. Experts guarantee that those who diet are more prone to weight fluctuations, but those who opt for dietary re-education, lose weight with health and maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Swap the elevator for the stairs. Depending on the number of floors you have to climb, this simple change could mean a 15% increase in your daily caloric expenditure.
  • Swap the common dish for dessert. Lack of space will force you to eat less.
  • Swap fried foods for baked or grilled ones. With this simple change in your eating habits, you will be reducing your calorie intake by about 1/3.
  • Dark vegetables, such as arugula and spinach, contain a significant amount of fiber and help with satiety.

Adopting at least 10 of the tips presented above, you can lose weight with health and keep your menus balanced, ending up internalizing healthier lifestyle habits.


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