Every person who wants to earn a passive income online knows that web traffic is the key to making the money. On the web, the prevailing belief is that traffic = money.Or does it?
Close but not
exactly. Targeted web traffic = money. If you want to really make money online,
you need more than just traffic, you need target traffic.
How do you gettargeted web traffic?
From the search engines – specifically, from Google. This
is the type of traffic that will make you the money, day and night, 24-7. If
you can capture a decent amount of Google traffic for money making
keywords/keyword phrases, you can capitalize on this.
I’ll use a personal
example. On one of my niches, I was getting about 200 people a day from a long
tail keyword. The site pulled in an average of about 400 people a day, and half
of those were from a laser targeted keyword. I make money on the site through
affiliate sales – products that are related to the long tail search.
One day I found
I was getting almost 3k people a day. For a solid week I had about 1500 -3000
people a day coming to my site – about a 300-400 percent increase. All these
extra people came from Stumble Upon — probably the worst offender as far as
“unfocused web traffic” you can get. People basically arrive at your site
because they hit the “stumble” button on their browser.
You would have
thought that I would make more money from this traffic, but no. My affiliate
sales remained the same. Oh, I did sell a couple more products for a couple of
the days, but for the most part, my affiliate sales were within the normal
range. My Adsense earnings (which were never substantial anyways as the niche
is not a good one for it) actually went down. Why? Because all that unfocused
traffic did not click on ads causing Google to lower my revenue per ad click.
If I made a $1 on a normal day, I ended up making 10 cents instead.
I’m not the only
one who has found that social traffic do not make you money. Ask around on the
web and you’ll find most bloggers will tell you they don’t make money from
their social-traffic based websites. I’ve even read about a case where a guy
was getting millions of visitors but was making only a few hundred in Adsense
A Guide to Using SEO and Internet Marketing to Make Money Online
So, you want to
avoid going after social traffic if you want to make money through your
website. A lot of “Make Money” websites will try to sell you a secret formula
that will get you web traffic and make you money. Folks the secret to getting
web traffic is to dominate the search engines for keywords. To make money on
the internet, you simply dominate the keywords to get the traffic then you find
a way to monetize that traffic.
It’s relatively easy to get social traffic; it’s hard to get search engine traffic.
These days, most
bloggers are attracted to social traffic. Social traffic is being banded about
today as the sort of “rebooted” web 2.0. The prevailing thought among most web
admins is that all you need to do to make money online with websites is to just
get that traffic and start reaping money.
However, social
traffic is the wrong type of traffic if you are looking to make money on the internet.
Social traffic arrives at your site through some sort of link (be it stumble
upon, digg, reddit, facebook, etc). These type of web surfers are NOT looking
to buy anything, not looking to click on an ad. Quite simply, there have not
arrived at your website looking to solve a problem or find a solution
(essential ingredients if you are looking to make money online).
It’s hard to
sell something to someone if they aren’t looking to buy. And social traffic is
the ultimate hard sell…they are looking to be entertained. If you are blogging
for an audience and to feel special, well, go out and submit your articles to
digg, use stumble upon to grab lots of traffic, hit the comment boards and
forums non stop, making sure to include your link in your posts. You’ll get
traffic. You won’t make money.
Now, perhaps you
want social traffic. Maybe you want people to comment on your blogs and tell
you what a good writer you are. You’ll feel really good. You’ll also stay
The way to make
money from web traffic is to have the RIGHT type of traffic, that is, search
engine traffic. You see, people who use the search engines are LOOKING for
something. And when people are looking for something, they might buy something
– especially if what you’re selling is related to what they are looking for.
In order to make
money from this type of traffic, you need to dominate the search engines for
the keyword/keyword phrase they type in Google.
Think about
this. If someone types in “how to cure hair loss” into Google and your site pops
up as number 1, do you think you can entice that person to buy hair loss
products or click on an ad that features something about solving hair loss
problems? Say someone arrives at your site by clicking on the “stumble upon”
button from their browser. Do you thing they are looking to solve a problem?
The type of
traffic makes a world of difference. So if you want to make money online, you
need to get that targeted, search engine traffic.