Ayurveda Cures and Ailments
According to Ayurveda , the body is made up of the following which come into existence due to the five elements:
1.Tissues or dhatus – physical constituents such as flesh, blood, bones etc.
2.Waste products or malas –the polluted part of the body which needs to be thrown away such as urine, excreta, pus, semen etc.
3.Universal energetic forces or doshas – defects i.e. when these are in normal balance in the body this helps in growth and sustenance but an imbalance in this causes disease.
Tridoshas are energetic forces in the universe which influence nature and human beings. Our body comprises of these Tridoshas which are responsible for creation of new tissues and removal of waste tissues in the body.
Tridoshas also influence all movements, sensory functions, and almost all other functions of the human body. In a natural state these Tridoshas are responsible for wellness and good health of the body but as an imbalance is created they become defects and hence are called doshas which means defect in Sanskrit.
Tridoshas ie. Three doshas are
1. Vata dosha2. Pitta dosha
3. Kapha dosha
Vata dosha
Is the most important of the three and is responsible for the movement of the body. Long term imbalance of vata dosha creates imbalance in the other two doshas as well. An imbalance in all the three doshas becomes very difficult to cure . The functions of the vata dosha is
•Digestive systems and Excretions of the body: fetus, semen, feces, urine, sweat, pus etc.
•Physical movements and processes inside the body such as respiration.
•Contraction of muscles
•Nervous system such as transportation of sensory input from the five sense organs to the brain.(eyes, tongue, skin, ears and nose)
Pitta dosha
The Pitta dosha is responsible for all transformations in the body such as
•Metabolism and digestion
•Transformation of food to waste material
•Maintaining the body temperature
•Appetite and thirst
•Thinking ability , reasoning and judgment
•Skin texture
•Certain emotional factors
Kapha dosha
This is responsible for
•The bone structure of the body.
•Strength to perform physical activities
•Lubrication in the internal body to avoid friction between the various parts.
•Stability and sturdiness of the mind and body.
•Mass and structure
•Fertility and reproduction
Any disease is diagnosed keeping these three doshas in mind. It is important to find out the imbalance created in the body. Once this is known the Ayurvedic treatment is undergone which comprises of intake of certain food products and natural herbs. The treatment also constitutes of major
lifestyle changes, exercise routines,etc.All factors which influence the human body, physical or emotional are considered and each person is prescribed according to his lifestyle and nature to be in complete coordination with himself and the universe.
Ayurveda cures and ailments
According to ayurveda, arthritis is primarily a vata (air) disease which is due to accumulation of toxins in the joints and is known as amavata.If untreated it causes deformity of the limbs and affects the heart. It is caused by both internal and external conditions. Internally it is a condition created due to low agni or poor digestion causing accumulation of toxins (ama) produced in the colon get deposited in the various parts of the body, causing different diseases. For example, if it deposits in the lungs,it causes cough and asthma, in the intestines it causes dysentery. When it deposits in the joints and at the same time there is aggravation of vata (biological air) which relates to external factors as well such as cold , damp or windy climate, results in a disease called amavata or arthritis . This causes inflammation, swelling and pain of the joint, causing reduced joint movement. Lack of movement further causes stiffness and deformity. Usual complaints of arthritis are loss of appetite, body ache, excessive thirst, constipation, excessive urination and joint stiffness.
Remedies as per ayurveda
Since it is primarily due to imbalance in body fire and air, these are treated. Which can be done by firstly by burning up the toxins by reviving the digestive fire.. Changing of eating habits is beneficial be Persons suffering from rheumatic arthritis are usually constipated and have poor digestive power
Regulation of diet
Treatment starts by total fasting for some time or have extremely light foodReduce consumption of vegetable oils and increase the intake of oils rich in omega three fatty acids. Except castor oil Castor oil has a purgative effect and is not absorbed by the body Oil of wintergreen and oil of rosemary are useful.
Food items to be avoided:
1)Avoid sour things such as tamarind, tomatoes, pickles and curd.
2)Avoid Rice,okra and potatoes.
3)Avoid eating hot, spicy and fried foods,sweets and honey.
4)Avoid wind forming foods like cabbage,cauliflower, spinach, broccoli..
5)Avoid too much tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate and cocoa, excessive smoking.
Food items to consume
1)Consume plenty of garlic,ginger,bitter gourd and drumsticks.2)Bajra rotis Moong dal and green leafy vegetables are useful
3)Raw juices made from Alfa,beet root,carrots,celery cucumber and parsley
4) Fresh pineapple contains brome lain,an enzyme that has significant anti-inflammatory properties
5)Two walnuts should be chewed properly empty stomach in winters for fifteen days
6)Juices of carrot, beat root and cucumber mixed together is also beneficial
7)Green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt is also good.
8)Fruits like apples, oranges, grapes and papaya can be taken. Cooked vegetables like squash, zucchini and pumpkin are good
9)Cooking with spices like cumin, coriander, ginger, asafetida, garlic, fennel and turmeric is also helps a lot.
10)Taking 2gm turmeric powder twice a day along with warm water or basil juice. would help One to two garlic cloves swallowed with warm water an hour before breakfast provide heat and lubrication to the joints.
11)Baked and Mashed egg plants fried in Castor oil can be taken once daily for three months. Add some spices like cumin, coriander, turmeric and salt and two cloves of garlic while cooking
12)Using Hot spicy herbs cayenne, cinnamon, dry ginger and galangal is beneficial
13)Vegetable juices and soups are good.
Other remedies
1)Medicated oils used for massage are very helpful in relieving stiffness and pain in the joints, whole body massage with sesame or mustard oil helps to reduce the vata and thus reduce the pain.
2)Camphor, wintergreen and cinnamon oils are beneficial for external application.
3)Some sort of easy exercise and walk is also beneficial as joints should not be immobilized.
4)Along with oral medications, local use of a hot bag of sand or rock salt for fomentation is advised. Sauna baths are also helpful in relieving the pain of arthritis.
5)Hot gemstones such as ruby or garnet set in gold can be worn .
6)Sleeping during day time, staying up late in the night and mental tensions like worry, anxiety, fear, stress and grief etc., should be given u