Panchakarma :
Panchakarma finds its extensive usage in the detoxification or cleansing of the body. It restores the immunity of the body through various detoxifying procedures that assist in free radical scavenging. This process lessens the dryness inside the body and releases various channels for the proper nourishment and functioning of various organs in the body. Its working is underlined in two basic ways of cure and prevention. .It cures by by purification through various medicines taken internally as well as externally in the form of powders and pastes
The literal meaning of Panchakarma in Sanskrit is panch which means five and karma implies therapeutic measures. Thus Pachkarma removes toxins from the body using five type of treatments.
The panchkarma therapy is broadly divided into three main parts
- Purvakarma
- Pradhankarma
- Paschat Karma
Before the actual procedure of purification, body is prepared in particular methods so that it can release toxins easily. The two processes employed are Snehana and swedana. Snehana refers to body massage with oil. It involves application of oil to the whole body with a specific type of massage so that toxins move towards gastrointestinal tract.This also helps to eliminate stress and provides nourishment to the nervous system. along with making the body tissues soft and supple.
There are two types of oleation process in snehana are:
External oleation- This process involves application of medicated oil on the skin.
Internal oleation – It involves consumption of medicated ghee internally.
Swedana refers to sudation and sweating immediately after snehana. It is achieved by giving steam full of herbal concotion for further liquedifation and loosening of toxins from the individual.
There are two types of swedana
Agni swedana- It involves application of heat directly to the body
Pradhan karma –It provides the main purification measures of Panchkarma
It involves the following procedures
It includes therapeutic vomiting or emesis.It is effective in the case of repeated attacks of bronchitis, cough cold or asthma due to congestion in the lungs. It removes excess kapha containing a lot of mucus by therapeutic vomiting.
· It is good for all disorders related to Kapha and respiratory congestion.
· It is advantageous in chronic cold and bronchitis.
· Good for dizziness, Pitta head ache and nausea
It should be avoided in case of
· Diarrhea or acute fever
· Hypoglacemia or heart diseases
· Pregnancy
· Menstration
· Vata diseases or obesity.
· Age group below 12 yrs and above 65 yrs.
It is a Therapeutic Purgation Therapy. It removes the toxic and waste from the intestine.It happens due to secretion of excess bile or pitta which gets stored in the gall bladder,small intestines and liver. Rashes,acne,skin inflammation, bilary vomiting, chronic attacks of fever are produced as an outcome.So a therapeutic laxative is given under these circumstances.
It is helpful in
· Urinary disorders or jaundice
· Eye and skin inflammation or allergies
· Chronic fever or spleen enlargement
· Gout
· Internal worms
It should be avoided in case of
· Dehydration or weakness
· In childhood yrs.
· Low agni or severe constipation
· Prolapsed rectum or ulcerative colitis
· Alcoholism
The nasal intake of medication is called nasya. This therapy is used to cure ailments related to head area by performing cleansing action on the head and sinuses. It is very important therapy as nose is doorway to the brain and consciousness.
· Dryness in the nose or sinus congestion
· Stress or migraine
· Emotional imbalances
· Convulsions
· Neck and shoulder stiffness
It should be avoided in
· Sinus infections
· Menstruation
· Pregnancy
· Age group below 7 yrs or above 80 yrs
It is Enema therapy used mainly for people suffering from vata disorders such as constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, backache, sciatica and other pains in the joints. .It involves using herbal concoctions of sesame oil, and certain herbal preparations in a liquid medium and its application into the rectum It is also helpful in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasms and headaches
It is helpful in :
· Rheumatism or arthritis
· Constipation
· Low backache or headache
· Nervous disorders.
It should be avoided in the case of
· Chronic indigestion or diarrhea
· Bleeding of the rectum
· Diabetes or fever
· Age group below 7 yrs or above 65 yrs.