A woman arrives at
a party. Make up, hair and nails to the tens, rocking her mini skirt with those
legs and sporting enough cleavage to make any man cross eyed. It’s likely
many if not all the males in the room will take notice of her. Men are visual
creatures and a beautiful woman is worth noticing… Any women on the
planet could fit that description. So is that how to attract men in a nutshell?
Hardly! The important thing lies in what YOU WANT. Only then can you
discover how to attract men.
Here are 10 keys on how to attract men. Not any man but your man:
1.Know and Love
Thyself It is
crucial to be aware of who you are, what you want and where you are going.
Although having a male counterpart could fill the void of loneliness, satisfy
sexual needs or support you physically. The truth is, you need to be
content with yourself alone. Being aware of what you love, you can set a
standard to attract someone based on your own integrity .
2. Confidence
balanced with Humility Most men
will run from an insecure, needy, dependent to support. Adopting a
teenager is much more rewarding. But seriously, if you are independent and
competent, you are contributing to the relationship. Balance that self assured
attitude with a kind and gentle disposition, not fearing your own
3. Dress For Success Your
outer appearance reveals much of your inner self. As in the outset, our sexy
lady made heads spin. But how would you identify this woman. Is she glamorous?
Virtuous? Sophisticated? Or Slutty? The question is simple: how do you want to be portrayed?
4.Smile And Relax Hunting for Mr. Right can be exciting. It can also
be very nerve racking and uncertain. Relax and enjoy yourself. Smile, laugh,
have fun. Even if his fishing stories are a bit boring. Make the best of every
new experience.
5.Be Honest It may not be necessary to confess your inner most
feelings on the initial introduction. However, clearly communicating your
expectations and limits in the beginning is important. Do you want a one night
stand? Or are you looking for something more permanent?
Yourself In a world of
instant gratification, we expect things to happen in a nanosecond.
Relationships are a natural system like flowers that require time and patience
to grow. Besides men scare away from any hint of forced commitment, regardless
of how good things could be going.
7. Be A Good
Listener All of us have a
view point and want to be understood. It takes maturity and self-control to
bridle our tongue. Stop and really listen. Stroke his ego. Men want to feel in
control and valued in their role as the man.
8.Flirt We all love games. Flirting is an exciting way to
playfully let him know he has your attention. Be careful the signals you are
sending. Some guys will interpret your flirting as a green light to the
9.Be Aware Of Your
Body Language We reveal more
through what we do than by what we say. If he is sharing something he feels
important, are you hovering over your food and look up to nod occasionally? Or
are you leaning forward, making eye contact and engaged in the
Positive Whether you
believe in the Law of Attraction or not, you will always attract what you think
about the most. Have a positive attitude knowing good things will happen.
Eventually they will. This applies not only to how to attract men but to all
you deserve in life.