The day has finally arrived. It’s exactly as you’ve always dreamed. Your hair and dress are perfect. The weather is perfect. Love is in the air. Your heart is pounding in nervous anticipation. All eyes are upon your gentle stride as you slowly make your way to be with the long awaited love of your life. You smile at each other and before all of your friends and family; begin exchanging those precious vows… Or maybe you’re not quite there yet. You have a desire to be married. Some of your friends are married.
In fact, when asked to be a bride’s
maid at your sister’s wedding, you thought to yourself, why not me? Is it
because you haven’t found the right guy? Does your boyfriend say he’s not ready
to commit? Are you told you’re too young? Do you think
you’re too old? Or do you just feel it’s too late? Take courage, there is hope.
The following are some suggestions on how to get a man to marry you for all the right reasons:
WHAT YOU WANT Do you even
know why you want to get married? To some it’s just a piece of paper. To others
it represents an unbreakable union that only death could separate you. The
reality is not the fluffy 24 hour romance as seen on T.V. Rather it represents
two completely different people working at solving problems together.
people view marriage as a means of solving their problems, or approach it with
the attitude of what they can take from it. Maturity and a willingness to give
are the building blocks. So ask yourself, what qualities, attributes and even
skills can I use to support my partner and thus my marriage?
3. COMPATIBILITY Believe it or not,
loving someone and living with them are two very different things. If you are
currently in a progressive relationship, eventually the’ putting on of airs’
will need to be replaced with honest discussion of habits, routines, and
realistic expectations. If you want him to marry you, be yourself. He needs to love you for who you are.
4. GOALS What do you
want out of life? Make sure your important goals are aligned. Do you both want
children? Where do you want to live? Should you both work? How willing are you
to compromise? If you are honest with him, he will not only respect you.
He will be drawn to you with a feeling of connection that he shares with no one
5. TAKE CARE OF YOU Looks aren’t everything,
so they say. Yet spending the time to maintain our physical appearance, boosts
our self esteem, and obviously we become more attractive in and out. Not only
your outer beauty, but your confidence will attract him and possess him to keep
you all to himself. In short, that’s how to get a man to marry you