Best Home Remedies For Jaundice
Jaundice is one of the most
frequent liver symptoms, typically defined as a yellowish discoloration of the
mucous membrane of the skin, and sclera (the white of the eye). The yellowish
color of the mucosa is due to the accumulation of a bile pigment, called bilirubin in the blood above the normal
levels, (hyperbilirubinemia). This bilirubin normally derives from the degradation of the blood
pigment, called Hemoglobin after hemolysis of red blood cells in the process of
normal heme catabolism. From the blood, bilirubin then transports to the liver,
where it converts into water-soluble conjugated bilirubin, which then excretes
out of the liver in bile. Next, the water-soluble bilirubin either excretes
from the body via urine, or converts into stercobilin, which expels out via
The widely accepted etiology
of jaundice categorizes into pre-hepatic, hepatic, and post-hepatic causes.
The pre-hepatic causes include hemolytic
jaundice (premature destruction of red blood cells, as seen in ABO
incompatibility in newborns; hereditary causes like hereditary spherocytosis,
thalassemia, sickle cell disease etc). The hepatic cause is hepatitis, chiefly
viral hepatitis, or drug-induced hepatitis (for instance paracetamol overdose),
and liver cancer. The post-hepatic causes are the ones that occur after the liver, i.e. related to the
obstruction of bile duct. Bile duct is the duct projecting out from the liver
and gallbladder, delivering bile and its pigments to the small intestine. The
post-hepatic causes encompass biliary cirrhosis (which could be primary or
secondary to bile duct obstruction from stones), cholestasis of pregnancy, and
cancer of the pancreas.
Aside from the medical management, which is essential for various causes of
jaundice, various non-medical home remedies are available to alleviate
Here are the top 10 best home remedies for jaundice:
1. Phototherapy
Phototherapy (light therapy) is a remedy for newborn jaundice. This light
therapy utilizes light to eliminate excess bilirubin from the blood. Exposing
the baby’s skin to light waves alters the excess bilirubin into readily
excretable products.
2. Neem
Neem is a classic timeless home remedy for curing jaundice, secondary to
viral hepatitis. It also aids liver in flushing out the toxins, by enhancing
its metabolic activity. Obtain neem leaves, extract the juice from them, and
drink the neem extract daily in the mornings for effective outcomes.
3. Dandelion Root
Dandelion is an herb, which has demonstrated to boost up liver function and
enhance the elimination of bile. For consumption, make a broth from its sliced
roots by adding some egg yolk and take this broth on a daily basis.
4. Radish
Radish (mooli) detoxifies the liver and flushes out excess of bilirubin
from the blood. Not only the radish itself, but also the roots and leaves have
a potential to aid in healing of jaundice. Consume fresh, organic radish juice
along with their roots’ juice every day to ameliorate jaundice.
5. Tomato juice
A glass of fresh tomato juice
cleanses the blood from the excessive bile pigment and works well for jaundice.
Tomatoes are loaded with a strong anti-oxidant, called Lycopene, which also serves as an
anti-inflammatory agent by inhibiting the expression of inflammatory cytokines
and thereby shows convincing evidence of diminishing liver inflammation and
consequent damage. Boil 3-5 tomatoes in 500 ml of water for approx 10 minutes.
Blend the boiled tomatoes, and drink the juice on an empty stomach for jaundice
alleviation. Repeat the same regularly for attaining favorable results.
6. Turmeric/Curcumin
Turmeric powder is eminent for its anti-inflammatory properties. In a glass
of warm water, add 2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, stir it well. Drink this 3
7. Papaya
Papaya or a decoction of its leaves, both have revealed promising results
for jaundice. Papaya fruit along with leaves are used. Take some papaya leaves
and make a paste from them. Consume this paste daily for treating jaundice.
8. Carrots
Juice out the carrots and imbibe this juice daily.
9. Almonds and Dates
Soak seven almonds and two-three dried de-seeded dates in water and leave
them overnight. Next morning grind these together to make a paste. Consume this
paste once every day.
10. Buttermilk and Cumin Seeds
In a glass, add buttermilk and 2 teaspoon of cumin seeds. Mix it well.
Drink it once daily