What is Reiki
Reiki is spiritual practice of transferring universal life-energy for healing, self-healing, and distance healing using palms of hands. It’s been founded in Japan in 1992 by the Japanese zen-buddhist Mikao Usui. Reiki meditation is beautiful relaxation techniques as well as the universal healing energy work.
So, we can say that Reiki meditation is actually like a Reiki treatment for oneself. (However, know that to become a Reiki channel you need a license from Reiki Master). What you actually do in Reiki meditation is placing your hands on your body, allowing the life-force to flow through your hands to the body. It is usual to put hands on chakra areas. Let us try a classical Reiki meditation approach, which can be considered a special kind of loving kindness meditation.
Steps for Reiki Meditation
1. Take meditative posture and take few deeper breaths. Imagine pure loving energy entering your body. Exhale all negativity, tension, anger, pain, depression, etc. Let them go.
2. Place your palms on each of 7 chakras body areas, 3 minutes for each of them. Try to tune with your body, listen to it and trust it. Imagine life-force from space flows through your hands inside your body. Get connected with the whole energetic system.
3. Place both hands over Crown chakra on the top of the head. Listen to your body with loving attention. Breathe slowly and deeply, focusing on positive qualities of life. Relax.
4. Repeat this by placing your both hands on each of chakra areas of your body’s front size. Include also shoulders and – when you finish with chakras – your hips, knees, and feet. Hold and relax for each position of your hands.
5. Finally, get your hands together in the so-called praying position. Your breathe should now follow its natural rhythm. You should try to feel strong positive energy moving throughout your whole body, using all energetic centers and channels. Feel how you are released from whole negativity and filled with the blessing energy of love and happiness.
Some Reiki Meditation Traditional Aspects
It is a traditional Reiki meditation approach to have 5 days plan for meditation, spending no more than 30 minute for each séance. Another of many Reiki aspects is the mind purification technique (Joshin ho), which is in essence sitting down and reciting some so-called waka-poetry in your head. Here’s a classical example used often by Mikao Usui himself:
Asamidori sumiwataritaru ohzorano
Hiroki kokoro to mogana
As a great sky in clear light green
I wish my heart would be as vast
Reiki meditation is highly pragmatic, concentrated spiritual approach of zen-buddism, meaning it is minimalistic and highly focused spiritual energy. The point is to have maximum effect with minimum effort; it is like an Ocean in a drop of water.
For all those entering the Ocean of meditation, getting introduced with Reiki spirituality and Reiki meditation can only bring extraordinary deep feeling and understanding of the life-force coming to us from the universe through our open minds and hearts. This was only a short insert of what Reiki is. We hope you will find a way to learn more, with our help too, but you should learn about basic meditation deeply first before learn more about Reiki Meditation.