Introduction about Ways to Lose Weight at a Desk Job
Weight at a Desk Job - Obesity is a growing problem throughout the country and one of the factors is the type of work that we do. These days, more and more people are working at the computer and physical labor is a thing of the past. Combine this with fast food and transport that lets you avoid walking and you have a recipe for gaining weight.

Fortunately, even if you do work at a desk, you don’t have to settle for getting bigger every year. Here are a few ideas on how to drop some pounds or how to lose weight fast, even when your job requires very little movement.
Here are the ten-way to weight loss on the desk Job
- Walk 1 block. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do, but it is very hard to find the time to hoof it for fifteen minutes, so why not break it down? Park your car one block from work and walk. It will take you two minutes, maximum, and you’ll get your heart rate up a bit. You’ll do the same when you head back home. This method can also be used when you go to the store, a restaurant, or just about anywhere else.
- Do bathroom squats. Taking another bathroom break? Do ten squats before you leave and you’ll build muscles and up your metabolism. It may not seem like much, but if you go to the bathroom five times during the work day, that’s 50 squats.
- Twist at your desk. When you come back from the water cooler, bathroom or any other little excursion that took you away from the desk, take a moment to raise your arms in a boxer stance and then twist from side to side, moving your upper body only, five times It will look like you are working out the kinks, but really, you’re working the muscles that help define your waist. Over time, this will give you a better form.
- Set up a laptop workout. Some employers will not allow this, but if you work at home, you can easily set up your laptop so you can ride a stationary bike or walk on a treadmill while you work. There are even special desks designed to fit over workout equipment, which gives you no excuse not to get a workout.
- Bring your own lunch. Not only will you save money by bringing your own food to work, but you’ll also find it easier to avoid the temptation of the fast-food place down the street. Pack something healthy and avoid too many carbs, since those will make you sleepy and impede your workflow.
- Start your day with protein. Eating lots of protein first thing in the morning is a great way to stay fueled up all morning and it also helps your body go into fat-burning mode. A breakfast of beans and eggs is a great way to start your day and it will actually help you lose weight.
- Walk and talk. Don’t just zap emails to co-workers. If possible, get up and walk to that next cubicle to give them the message in person. Of course, this won’t be possible in all work environments, but where possible, it can have a great impact on your health.
- Use a pedometer. Why not measure your steps?
- Take advantage of your resources. Does your company offer a gym? Take advantage of it! If you’re worried about timing, you may need to do a little creative thinking. For example, how much time do you spend in traffic every day during rush hour? If you wait an hour to head home, can you get there faster? You may find that it takes the same amount of time to hit the gym for an hour and then drive home once the traffic is lighter. This won’t be an option for everyone, but it’s something to consider.
- Take a real break. When you take your coffee break, don’t just sit at your desk. Get outside, walk around the block, or job in place in the supply closet. Even a couple minutes of exercise can help increase your metabolism and get you burning more calories throughout the day. It’s also a good idea to get your heart rate up a bit right before eating so you will burn the food you’re eating instead of storing it in fat cells.
You won’t suddenly drop 20 lbs with these tips, but they will help you improve your lifestyle, feel healthier and gradually get fitter. Over time, you should lose weight gradually if you are eating well. The increase in exercise time helps offset the long hours spent sitting in front of the computer.