Lemons, honestly, I would be lost and lonely without them! This yellow citrus sour fruit has a widespread use throughout the world for cooking, drinking, and even non-culinary tasks.
Here are the top 10 health benefits of drinking lemon water:
1. Aids Digestion
Drinking lemon water every
morning starts kick up your digestion process for the day. How does it do that?
a) It flushes out all the unwanted wastes and toxins from your blood. b) It
slows the intestinal absorption of the meal you have afterwards, thereby aiding
enhanced body utilization and digestion of more of the food you consume.
Further, this slowing of absorption assists your pancreas to preserve insulin
(food, specifically carbohydrates are a major trigger for insulin secretion
from the pancreas) and subsequently maintain steady blood sugar levels.
2. Prevents Scurvy
Vitamin C is
a predominant ingredient in lemon and drinking a glass of lemon water daily
will halt scurvy. Scurvy is a gum disease that occurs due to vitamin C (AKA
ascorbic acid) deficiency. Gum bleeding, gingivitis (inflammation of gums), and
loss of teeth are the hallmark of scurvy. This is because vitamin C is
essential for collagen synthesis. Collagen
is a structural protein found in many fibrous tissues of our body as well as it
is a component of teeth. No vitamin C in diet means defective collagen and
hence the gum issues.
3. A Major Role in Wound Healing
As mentioned above, lemon is
rich in vitamin C, which is required for the formation of collagen. This
extracellular protein (collagen) plays a major role in wound healing. Not to
mention, people suffering from scurvy also encounter delayed wound healing and
easy skin bruising.
4. Boosts Immunity
As aforementioned, lemons are
high in vitamin C, which is helps to keep colds and viral infections at bay.
5. Stimulates Nerve and Brain Function
They are high in potassium, an
electrolyte that is significant for various cell membrane processes in the
body, including but not limited to stimulating nerve, muscle, and brain
function. Potassium also helps regulate blood pressure by causing
vasodilatation and preventing the rise in blood pressure. Therefore, consumption
of lemon water on a regular basis makes you feel energetic and lively all over
the day.
6. Prevents Iron Deficiency Anemia
The vitamin C in lemons
hastens the iron absorption in the stomach by converting iron from its oxidized
ferric form (the form of iron found in diet, which is non-absorbable) to the
reduced easily absorbable ferrous form. Consequently, more iron is available to
the blood stream, preventing any anemia secondary to iron deficiency.
7. Brightens up Skin Complexion
Worrying for a dull-looking
skin is an old century gossip these days! Lemon water usage daily renders a
glowing radiant skin tone.
8. Maintains Body Weight
Because of the fact that lemon
water accelerates digestion, it can help with weight loss by supplying the body
with more macronutrients needed to burn fat.
9. Liver Detoxification
Lately, increase evidences
show that lemon assists in liver detoxification. You must be wondering how.
Imagine something speeding up the overall digestion, which includes metabolism
by the liver as well. Hence, there is an enhanced detoxification by the liver.
10. A Natural Diuretic
Imbibing lemon water on
regular basis quickens up the urination process, cleansing the body from toxins
and superfluous materials.
Always prefer organic lemons
in warm water and it is best that you brush your teeth after drinking lemon
water in the morning, because the citrus in lemon can actually corrode the
enamel of your teeth if not done so.